UNDINE II: Underwater Discovery and Nature Experience II
Projekt |
http://www.undine-baltic.eu/ |
01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019 |
Over 300 islands, nearly 7500 kilometers of coastline, countless marine habitats: The natural and cultural area of the Western Baltic Sea is impressive in its diversity. With the German-Danish Interreg project UNDINE II, we break the surface and immerse into an unknown underwater world - learn to experience, appreciate and protect. UNderwater DIscovery and Nature Experience II is a federation of different players from tourism, environmental education and nature conservation, who jointly develop concepts, organize events, design media and create experiences.
UNDINE II will run by the end of 2019 and will be funded by the European Regional Development Fund with over one million euros. It is the subsequent project of UNDINE and Diving Denmark. |
Benthic fauna, Biodiversity, Flora, Media, Water |
Frau Stefanie Sudhaus Bund für Umwelt- und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) - Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (BUND) Lorentzendamm 16 24103 Kiel GERMANY Telefon: 0431 - 66060-0 Fax: 0431 - 66060-33 Webseite: https://www.bund-sh.de/ |
Tourismus-Agentur Lübecker Bucht (TALB)Tourismus-Agentur Lübecker Bucht (TALB) (http://www.luebecker-bucht-ostsee.de/) AG Geomedien, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Zu Kiel (CAU), Geographisches Institut (https://www.geomedien.uni-kiel.de/de) Geobytes KG (https://www.geobytes.de/) Ostsee Info-Center Eckernförde (https://www.ostsee.de/eckernfoerde/ostseeinfozentrum.html) Vordingborg Kommune (https://vordingborg.dk/) GeoCenter Møns Klint (http://www.moensklint.dk/) Naturturisme I/S (https://www.naturturisme.dk/) Fjord og Bælt (http://www.fjordbaelt.dk/) |
1.223.049 |
Interreg Deutschland-Danmark (http://www.interreg5a.eu/) |