BONUS OPTIMUS: Optimization of mussel mitigation cultures for fish feed in the Baltic Sea
Projekt |
www.bonus-optimus.eu |
01/04/2017 - 31/03/2020 |
The overall goal of BONUS OPTIMUS is to provide robust evidence-based documentation (ecological, social, and economic) on optimized use of farmed mussel as a mitigation tool for eutrophication that in turn can be a sustainable protein-rich feedstuff for fish. This mitigation concept closes the loop of land-based nutrient inputs to the sea that first are incorporated into farmed mussel, then into farmed fish through mussel feedstuff, and finally returned to land as fish products for human consumption. The objectives of BONUS OPTIMUS are to: - Obtain social acceptance of the mitigation concept through public outreach
- Estimate positive and negative impacts of mussel cultures in different environments
- Optimize the production capacity, security and costs of farmed mussels
- Provide multi-criteria optimal site selections of mussel farming as input to marine spatial planning
- Develop cost-efficient techniques for processing mussels into healthy feedstuff
- Explore the social-economic barriers, solutions and perspectives of the mitigation concept
- Provide policy guidelines and solutions on future sustainable use of mussel mitigation cultures as fish feed
The mitigation concept requires a transdisciplinary approach combining biological, technical, and socio-economic research together with a strong public outreach. The project has relevance for combating eutrophication in the coastal zone, sustainable use of aquaculture, providing high-quality fish feed and creating new jobs in rural areas. |
Environmental management, Fishery and Aquaculture, Research and development, Stakeholders and public participation, Water management |
Herr Jens Kjerulf Petersen Technical University of Denmark/ Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) DTU Aqua Kemitorvet Building 202 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark DENMARK E-Mail: jekjp@aqua.dtu.dk Webseite: http://www.aqua.dtu.dk/english |
Aarhus University (http://www.au.dk/en/) EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V. (http://www.eucc-d.de/home.html) Technical University of Denmark (DTU), National Institute of Aquatic Resources (http://www.aqua.dtu.dk/english) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (http://www.slu.se/en/) University of Gothenburg (http://www.gu.se/english) Institute of Oceanology of Polish Acadamy of Science (IOPAN) (http://www.iopan.gda.pl/contact.html) GRAIN Wood A/S Hjarnøe Havbrug A/S |
BONUS (https://www.bonusportal.org/) |