PADO: Prozesse und Auswirkungen von Dünendurchbrüchen an der deutschen Ostseeküste
Projekt |
http://www.kfki.de/de/projekte/pado |
01/10/2016 - 30/09/2019 |
Because of the increasingly intensive use of the coastal regions, the risks for people and commodities in case of extreme natural events are going up. Therefore, the announcement tries to develop the concept and the infrastructure of coastal protection further. The integration of coastal ecological systems into the coastal protection and the development of adaptive, cost efficient and sustainable coastal protection buildings close to nature gains importancy. At the German baltic coast, flood protection dunes are close to nature and an important part of the flood protection system. Caused by the climate change, extreme natural events will take place more often. To predict and plan the protection of dunes, the processes of the erosion and the breach of the dune and also the flooding processes after the dune breach have to be understood. The collaborative projekt PADO will help developing the existing dune erosion models by research for improvement of the knowledge. At the same time, the collaborative projects' goal is to develop recommendations for a sustainable management of the coastal regions sheltered by dunes. |
Beach protection, Breakwater, Climate change, Dunes, Risk and Safety |
Herr Fokke Prof. Dr.-Ing. Saathoff E-Mail: fokke.saathoff@uni-rostock.de |
Universität Rostock RWTH Aachen Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) |