Projekt |
http://www.kuestenschule.de/meersehen-projektinfo.html |
01/09/2014 - 31/05/2015 |
With the project MeerSehen (wordplay, contains "see more" and "see the sea"), EUCC-D carried out another educational project with the topics sea and coast. In September 2014, a Schleswig-Holsteinwide media contest started, which invited children and adolescents to deal actively with sea and coast in their maritime surrounding area. Inspired by the concept of education for sustainable development, the competition asked for a new discovery and research of sea and coast with the mediale eyes. Also, sea and coast should be perceived as an economical, ecological, social and cultural room or as place of the own identity. MeerSehen was a joint project of EUCC-D, the Initiative Future School Schleswig-Holstein, the Open Channel Schleswig-Holstein and the Schleswig-Holstein Mudflat National Park Administration. The project management was the task of EUCC-D. |
Coastal water, Education and training, Media, Mudflat, Stakeholders and public participation |
EUCC-D (http://www.eucc-d.de/) Zukunftsschule.SH (http://www.zukunftsschule.sh/) Offener Kanal Schleswig-Holstein (http://www.oksh.de/sh/informieren/aktuelles/) Nationalparkverwaltung Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer (http://www.nationalpark-wattenmeer.de/sh) |