CPA: Climate Proof Areas
Projekt |
www.climateproofareas.com |
01/10/2008 - 31/12/2011 |
Climate proof areas was an Interreg IVB research project within the North Sea programme. CPA was dealing with alternative water management options ion a changing climate along the North Sea coast. The project concortium consist in organisation and institutions from out five North Sea countries Belgium, England, Germany, The Netherlands and Sweden.
Climate change, Coastal water, Decision-making process, Stakeholders and public participation, Water management |
Klimasichere Region Wesermarsch (3.787.706 Bytes) | Dokumentation eines Diskussionsprozesses im Rahmen des CPA Projektes über die Zukunft der Wasserwirtschaft im Landkreis Wesermarsch (NIedersachsen) | |
Herr Frank Ahlhorn (for Germnany) COAST, University of Oldenburg / COAST, Universität Oldenburg (COAST) PO Box 2503 26111 Oldenburg GERMANY E-Mail: frank.ahlhorn@uni-oldenburg.de Webseite: www.coast.uni-oldenburg.de |
Province Zeeland, Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Zeeland, Netherlands Arvika Kommun, Sweden National Trust, UK RSPB, UK COAST, University Oldenburg SMHI, Sweden SGI, Sweden English Nature, UK Schouwen-Duiveland, Netherlands Deltares, Netherlands County Värmland, Sweden Gent University, Belgium |
5.400.000 |
Interreg North Sea Programme (www.northsearegion.eu) |