AQUABEST: Innovative practices and technologies for developing sustainable aquaculture in the Baltic Sea region
Projekt |
09/06/2011 - 08/12/2013 |
AQUABEST, a project funded by the Baltic Sea Region 2007 - 2013, is focussed on the growing food production in the aquaculture. In regard to the growing demand of food as well as food from aquaculture, new production has to be built on sustainable practices and technologies. AQUABEST is a continuation from the flagship project BESTAQ and it is is the first Baltic Sea Region-wide combination of regional authorities, producer organizations, academy and stakeholders, which all works on a mission to develope common strategy for sustainable aquaculture production in the BSR. AQUABEST will give ideas of innovative practices and technologies, test them, and provide a BSR Aquaculture Vision. AQUABEST is watching on the following four problems to solve them: - entry of nutrients increase the eutrophication in the BSR through aquaculture
- Lack of knowledge in the current spatial planning in the BSR area, so aquaculture in remote areas with less economic effects, competition and conflict will be developed.
- Feasibility of recirculation farming has not been assessed and technology transferred throughout BSR regions.
- Licensing systems do not always encourage adoption of eco-efficient technologies and practices.
important results of AQUABEST: - Demonstration that BSR aquaculture is capable of becoming a nutrient neutral food production system.
- Demonstration that spatial planning tools can be adapted to create environmentally, economically and socially sustainable aquaculture.
- Demonstration that new recirculation technologies can be developed and transferred to regions.
- Mutually agreed position paper on eco-efficient licensing system, that encourages and enables new economical activity.
AQUABEST is working with active aquaculture actors in the BSR. 15 associated partners representing development and research institutions, national and regional authorities, producer organizations, and NGO's. The actual partnership welcomes joint actions during and after the project by organizations not involved in the AQUABEST application phase, also to establish a BSR-wide aquaculture forum.
Fishery and Aquaculture, Stakeholders and public participation |
Jouni Vielma Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute 00791 Helsinki FINLAND Telefon: +358205751522 Webseite: http://www.rktl.fi/english/ |
Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (www.rktl.fi/english) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (www.slu.se) Technical University of Denmark, DTU Aqua (www.aqua.dtu.dk) |
374.499.000 |