The core objective is to develop a scientific platform for an innovative low-cost technology of environmental management of shipping, offshore, and coastal engineering activities. The technology will be applied to place dangerous activities in areas, an accident in which will have a minimum threat to vulnerable areas. The approach makes use of the existence of semi-persistent current patterns that considerably affect the properties of pollution propagation: the probability of transport of dangerous substances from different open sea areas to the vulnerable areas is largely different depending on area. Location of areas of reduced risk are established numerically and verified experimentally. A combination of the classical risk analysis with novel mathematical methods (such as inverse methods) is applied to identify the persistence, properties, and potential effect of such areas, and to establish generic criteria for their existence.
Laboratory of Wave Engineering - Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology Akadeemia 21 12618 Tallinn ESTONIA Telefon: +372 620 4151 Fax: +372 620 4176 Webseite: