TIDE: Tidal River Development
Projekt |
http://www.tide-project.eu/ |
2010 - 2013 |
TIDE is an INTERREG IVB North Sea project for an innovative approach to integrated management of European estuaries with strong tidal influence: Elbe and Weser (Germany), Scheldt (Belgium/Netherlands) and Humber (UK). All show similar characteristics:
All these estuaries show similar characteristics: - They are used as shipping channels leading to large ports
- They are characterised by a strong tidal influence
- They transport large quantities of sediment
- Most estuarine areas are designated Natura 2000 sites
... and similar challenges:
- Sediment transport is steadily increasing
- Estuarine ecosystem functions are endangered
- Decision makers are faced with an increasingly challenging legal and global economic framework. EU Directives such as the Birds and Habitats or the Water Framework Directives have to be implemented.
- In order to maintain their competitive position and ensure the economic prosperity of the region, the large ports need to be further developed.
- Climate change is likely to worsen these problems in the future, unless appropriate compensation and mitigation measures are found.
TIDE takes into account the ecological, economical and societal needs of the regions involved, and interlinks the multiple processes and large scale efforts taking place in the estuaries. TIDE integrates the knowledge and solutions generated by previous projects such as HARBASINS, SedNet, and New!Delta (e.g. optimised sediment management strategies, revitalisation scheme of side river arms). TIDE also draws from the numerous management plans that have been or are being prepared as a response to urgent issues like flood prevention or sediment increase, and/or in compliance with EU directives. TIDE looks for effective integration of the substantial investments that are realised or in the planning process in these estuaries.
TIDE Times | TIDE is excited to share the first issue of its publication "TIDE Times". This issue serves as an introduction to the project, as well as documentation of the presentations and discussions held during the project's Kick-Off Conference. It contains articles about the project, the estuaries of the Elbe, Weser, Scheldt and Humber rivers, the theory behind the project's approach, as well as case studies and lessons from other estuaries. | |
Frau Annedore Seifert Tidal River Development / german (TIDE) Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Neuer Wandrahm 4 20457 Hamburg GERMANY Telefon: +49 (0)40 428473058 Webseite: http://www.tide-project.eu |
Hamburg Port Authority (www.hamburg-port-authority.de) Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation Agency ( www.nlwkn.de) Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (www.wuh.bremen.de) University of Bremen (www.uni-bremen.de) Rijkswaterstaat (www.rijkswaterstaat.nl) Flemish Authorities, Department of Mobility and Public Works (www.maritiemetoegang.be) Antwerp Port Authority (www.portofantwerp.be) University of Antwerp (www.ua.ac.be/ecobe) Environment Agency (www.environment-agency.gov.uk) Institute of Estuarine & Coastal Studies, Hull (www.hull.ac.uk/iecs) |
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European Union (http://europa.eu) |