Baltic Green Belt: Baltic Green Belt
Projekt |
http://www.balticgreenbelt.net |
25/01/2009 - 24/01/2012 |
The Baltic Green Belt project wants to conserve, use and develop the common natural and cultural heritage of the coastal border areas formerly dividing east and west. To this end, the project establishes a platform for transnational cooperation between stakeholders working in nature conservation and sustainable development of the southern and eastern Baltic Sea coast. The project community led by the University of Kiel (CAU) unites the Baltic NGO network Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) with the IUCN (World Conservation Union) as well as a number of national partners from all countries along the baltic south-east. Altogether, 22 partners have developed the Baltic Sea Region Programme/Interreg IVB project baltic green belt. The project started in January 2009 will run until January 2012 and has a budget of more than 2 Mio €. Goals:
- development of an ecological network under the umbrella of the European Green Belt following the Green Belt vision
- collaboration of environmental NGOs, universities and authorities for a sustainable development of the coast
- protection of the environment and natural resources; improvement of the cological status of the marine and terrestrial Baltic Sea area (eutrophication, waste water, agriculture, tourism, ?)
- supporting the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea action plan for the protection of the Baltic
- evaluation of the implementation of international agreements for coastal protection along the Baltic Green Belt
- identification of barriers and success factors/indicators of sustainable coastal development
Access (beach and water), Best practice, Biodiversity, Nature conservation, Stakeholders and public participation |
Frau Stefanie Maack Kiel University, Coastal Geography (CAU) Ludewig-Meyn-Str. 14 24098 Kiel GERMANY Telefon: +49 431 880-1782 Fax: +49 431 880-4658 E-Mail: s.maack@geographie.uni-kiel.de Webseite: www.kuestengeographie.de |
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Interreg IVB BSRP (http://eu.baltic.net) |