IMCORE: Innovatitve Management for Europe's Changing Coastal Resource
Projekt |
01/05/2008 - 31/10/2011 |
Aim: To promote a transnational, innovative and sustainable approach to reducing the Ecological, Social and Economic impacts of climate change on the coastal resources of Northwest Europe To achieve: A demonstration of how the innovative expert couplet approach (ie collaboration between coastal practitioners and scientists using the principles of sustainability science) can help with the effective implementation of adaptive management stratiegies for coastal resources. The identification of impacts of a range of speciefied climate change scenarios on coastal sectors and the development of a response in the form of strategies for adaptive management. Topics: How to address the impact of climate change on different socio-economic coastal sectors eg fishing, port development, marine recreation & coastal defence? How to inform and assist coastal managers in the development of adaptive management strategies? |
Best practice, Climate change, Decision-making process, Environmental management, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) |
Herr Jeremy Gault Coastal and Marine Resources Centre / English (CMRC) IRELAND Webseite: http://cmrc.ucc.ie/ |
CMRC (http://cmrc.ucc.ie/index.php) EUCC (http://www.eucc.nl/en/index.htm) CoastNet (http://www.coastnet.org.uk/) Center for Coastal & Marine Research, University of Ulster (http://www.science.ulster.ac.uk/ccmr/) Donegal County Council (http://www.donegalcoco.ie/) Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management, Aberdeen University (http://www.abdn.ac.uk/aicsm/) Cork County Council (http://www.corkcoco.ie) Marine & Coastal Research Group, Cardiff University (http://info.cardiff.ac.uk/earth/research/geoenvironmental...) Maritime Institute, University of Gent (http://www.maritieminstituut.be/) Envision (http://www.envision.org.uk/) University of West Brittany (http://www.univ-brest.fr/) SIA Golfe de Morbihan Durham Country Council (http://www.durham.gov.uk) Aberdeen City Council (www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/) National Maritime college, Ireland (www.nmci.ie/ ) Sefton Council (http://www.sefton.gov.uk/) Severn Estuary Forum (http://www.severnestuary.net/sep/forum.html) MDK, Coastal division |
5.993.554 |
INTERREG 4B (http://www.northsearegion.eu/ivb/home/) |