OderRegio: OderRegio
Projekt |
http://www.oderregio.org/ |
1999 - 2006 |
Initial situation The disastrous floods of 1997 at the Oder and the floods at the Elbe 2002 prove the evidence that there is no complete protection against natural hazards of this kind. For this reason strategies for the handling of threats emerging from flooding danger are needed. The „magic word“ is: prevention. Everyone may protect himself against floods, but there is also need for action of authorities on the local, regional and national level in the countries affected. There is no doubt that floods do not care about administratives borders of municipalities or countries. For this reason common strategies of flood protection have to be developed. Having this in mind, the federal state of Brandenburg initiated in 1999 the project OderRegio, supported by the European Union. In the first phase until 2001 a „Conception for Spatial Planning for Preventive Flood Protection“ was developed together with partners from Poland, the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony. The conception defined seven action areas, six fields of action and the relations between them. This formed the basis for efficient flood protection in the Oder catchment area. Objective In the second phase of OderRegio the conception will be further developed to an Action Program until the end of 2006. Measures in action areas will be defined according to the fields of action for preventive flood protection. Flood hazard maps will provide for basic information for inhabitants and decision-makers. In defined action areas the efficiency of flood protection measures will be analyzed. But above all, OderRegio will continue to provide for a common understanding of preventive flood protection, regardless from administrative borders and professional delimitations. Extent of work To develop the planned Action Program of preventive flood protection in the Oder catchment area, it is necessary to coordinate and carry out a lot of tasks and activities. Therefore tasks and activities have been divided into Work Packages: - Project Management (WP 1)
- Development and Communication of the Project Procedure (WP 2)
- Application of Legal and Planning Instruments (WP 3)
- Development of Planning Basics for Decision Making (WP 4)
- Development and Agreement of the Action Program (WP 5)
- Active Information Management (WP 6)
This structure forms as well the basis of the organisational structure of the project. Further information on the status of work and results achieved so far you may receive in the Results section. |
Endbericht, OderRegio Phase 1, 1999-2001 | Ergebnis der ersten Phase von OderRegio ist die Konzeption zur raumordnerischen Hochwasservorsorge im Einzugsgebiet der Oder. Neben einer Bestandsaufnahme und einer Analyse der planungsrechtlichen Grundlagen wurden die Handlungsfelder des vorsorgenden Hochwasserschutzes für verschiedene Handlungsräume analysiert und bewertet.
Als zentrales Ergebnis entstand ein Kartensatz im Maßstab 1:750.000 bestehend aus 9 Karten. | |
Results, Englisch (1.246.112 Bytes) | Result of the first phase of OderRegio is the “Concept for Spatial Planning of Flood Prevention in the Oder Catchment Area”. Besides a stocktaking and an analysis of the legal and planning framework conditions, the fields of action for a preventive flood protection in different action areas were analysed and evaluated.
As a central result, a sequence of 9 maps in the scale of 1:750,000 consisting has been created. | |
Wyniki (1.467.929 Bytes) | Wynikiem pierwszego etapu OderRegio jest koncepcja prewencji przeciwpowodziowej w dorzeczu Odry z uwzględnieniem działań z zakresu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Oprócz dokonanej inwentaryzacji oraz analizy podstaw planistycznych i prawnych przeprowadzono analizę oraz ocenę zakresów działania prewencyjnej ochrony przed powodzią dla różnych obszarów działań.
W wyniku prac powstał zbiór map w skali 1:750.000, na który składa się 9 map. | |
Gemeinsame Landesplanungsabteilung Berlin-Brandenburg (Lead Partner, Potsdam, D) Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen (Berlin, D) Sächsisches Staatsministerium des Innern (Dresden, D) Pełnomocnik Rządu ds. Programu dla Odry 2006 (Wrocław, PL) Ministerstwo Infrastruktury (Warszawa, PL) Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj (Praha, CZ) |