ENCORA: European Platform for Coastal Research
Projekt |
www.encora.eu |
01/02/2006 - 31/01/2009 |
ENCORA is a European platform for sharing knowledge and experience in coastal science, policy and practice A considerable effort is spent in Europe on coastal management and coastal research, probably more than in any other region of the world. There is a rich capital of coastal knowledge and experience, but it is fragmented over many countries and hundreds of organisations. Encora is:
- A network with connections to European expertise in coastal practice, policy and science
- A networking organisation for spreading the benefits of European efforts in coastal management and research
Encora offers:
- A service helping you to build your personal European network
- A WIKI Coastal Directory, enabling you to disclose coastal expertise in Europe
- A Young Professionals Exchange Programme for young coastal scientists and practitioners
Theme Networks - Multifunctionality and valuation
- ICZM Participation and Implementation
- Marine and coastal spatial planning
- Pollution, prevention, detection and mitigation
- Long term coastal geo-morphological change
- Effect of Development and Use on Eco-morphology and Coastal Habitats
- Restoration and preservation of coastal biodiversity
- Sustainable coastal engineering techniques
- Assessment of fi eld observation techniques
- Capacity building, training and education in ICZM
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) |
Job Dronkers National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management / Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RWS) Kortenaerkade 1 Post Office Box 20907 2500 EX The Hague NETHERLANDS Telefon: +31 70 311 43 11 Fax: +31 70 311 43 21 E-Mail: job.dronkers@rws.nl Webseite: www.rws.nl |
Leuven University, Belgium DHI Water and Environment, Denmark Centre d’Etudes Maritimes et Fluviales, France GKSS Institut für Küstenforschung, Germany Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece University College Cork, Ireland Bologna University, Italy Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands The Coastal Union, Netherlands Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Poland Instituto de Hidraulica e Recursos Hidricos, Portugal University of Cantabria, Spain Lund University, Sweden Plymouth University, United Kingdom F.E.E.Matteì, Italy Vlaams Instituut der Zee, Belgium Technical University Delft, Netherlands CORILA, Italy Gent University, Belgium Thessaly University, Greece CoastNET, United Kingdom |
3.000.000 |
European Commission within the sixth Framework Programme, Global Change and Ecosystems |