CoPraNet: Políticas de Sustentabilidade no Desenvolvimento do Turismo no Litoral Alentejano (Portugal)
Fallstudie |
The tourism potential of this region is in fact noteworthy although it has no value to have a wonderful nature if we cannot make use of it, but its exploitation must be compatible with the preservation of the environment. Tourism projects are emerging in all this area but the ones that more have been calling the public attentions because of the built mass are the projects foreseen for Tróia, in the Setúbal Peninsula of, and for the Pinheirinho property in close proximity to the Galé beach. These are national and supranational level project given that they have the power to absorb national and international capital, therefore this projects won’t just development this region, but they will as well wealthy the country, riches that will be translated on the Gross Domestic Product (PIB). However along the last years, in the Alentejo coastal zone, the urban planning nor always followed a coherent orientation, and it’s now feeling the damage of this lack of orientation. The Tourism sector in Portugal represents 7% to 8% of the PIB and employs about 10% of the national population, having therefore great importance for the economy of the country. As a dynamic sector, of great international competition, it has leaded the Offer part to acquire strategic measures to diversify it product to maintain/increase the tourist number, and to which the Government has given its attention. To follow along the tourist offer, the coast preservation requires a structured planning, for problems that are being already felted in some coastal segments of Portugal as alarming, mainly because of the coastal erosion, process that it has became difficult to stop along the time with the load excess that has been imposed to it. Note: The full Case Study is written in Portuguese |
Beach management in practice, Carrying capacity, Coastal erosion, Housing |
Rita Dias EUCC - The Coastal Union Telefon: +351 963167169 E-Mail: ritadias@portugalmail.com |