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ICREW: Improving Coast and Recreation Waters for All

Typ des Eintrags: Fallstudie
Webseite: www.icrew.info
Dauer: 01/04/2003 - 30/04/2006
Beschreibung: Improving Coastal and Recreational Waters (ICREW) was a project funded by the European Union’s INTERREG IIIB programme for the Atlantic Area. It involved nineteen partner organisations and five Atlantic Area Member States: France, Ireland, Portugal Spain and UK. The ICREW project aimed to assist Member States in improving their compliance with the Bathing Water Directive and to provide the tools and techniques to assist Member States to comply with the requirements of the revised Bathing Water Directive. The project ran from April 2003 to April 2006 and ICREW partners were invited to present the project outputs to the EC Bathing Waters Committee in October 2006 in Brussels.
Stichworte: Bathing water quality, Pollution (beach and water), Public information, Recreation and Tourism, Tools and techniques for beach management
ICREW (190.464 Bytes)
CoPraNet Case Study
Kontakt: Phil Heath
Environment Agency / English
Lutra House
Dodd Way, Off Seedlee Road
Walton Summit, Bamber Bridge
PR5 8BX Preston
Telefon: +44 (0) 1772 714001
Fax: +44 (0) 1772 627730
E-Mail: phil.heath@ environment-agency.gov.uk
Webseite: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/
Partner: Environment Agency (www.environment-agency.gov.uk)
Mersey Basin Campaign (www.merseybasin.org.uk)
Preston City Council (www.preston.gov.uk)
Blackpool Borough Council (www.blackpool.gov.uk)
Instituto do Ambiente (www.iambiente.pt)
DRAOT de Alentejo (www.drarn-a.pt)
Instituto Nacional de Saude (www.insarj.pt)
Instituto Superior Tecnico (www.ist.utl.pt)
Direccao Geral da Saude (www.dgsaude.pt)
Instituto da Agua (www.inag.pt)
Sub-Regiao de Saude de Portalegre
Conseil Regional de Bretagne (www.region-bretagne.fr)
Centre d’Etude et de Valorisation des Algues (www.ceva.fr)
IFREMER (www.ifremer.fr)
Direction regionale des sanitaires et socials de Bretagne (www.sante.gouv.fr)
SAUR France Region Ouest (www.saur.fr)
Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias (www.itccanarias.org)
Centro de Investigacion Fomento y Aplicacion de las Nuevas Tecnologias del Agua (www.plantacarrion-pecc.com)
University College Dublin (www.ucd.ie)
Budget: 8.520.000
Finanziert von: European Union (europa.eu/index_en.htm)
INTERREG IIIB Secretariat - Atlantic Area (www.interregiii.org.uk/progatlantic.shtml)
Atlantic Area Secretariat (www.interreg-atlantique.org)
Northwest Regional Development Agency (www.nwda.co.uk)
Government Office for the North West (www.go-nw.gov.uk)