The project concerns a dozen coastal dune sites in the Counties of Down (UK) and Donegal (IRL) which are of great natural and scenic interest and internationally renowned. In recent years, tourism and rural development have increased pressure on these sites and the trend could worsen. The authorities have recognised the need for management plans to handle this development in a sustainable way. The coastal research group responsible for the project will aim to involve local communities in the conception and implementation of coastal management plans and projects.
Results anticipated:
Changing attitudes and practices to encourage an integrated approach (at planning, political, technical and legislative levels).
Introduction of participatory processes; establishment of an advisory forum for each site.
Description of each site and development of a management plan for each.
Consolidation of the experience (good-practice guide) and dissemination of the results.
Mr J.A.G. Cooper University of Ulster Cromore Road, Coleraine Co. Londonderry BT52 ISA Northern Ireland UNITED KINGDOM Telefon: +44-1265-324429 Fax: +44-1265-324911 Webseite: