EU Demo on ICZM: Integrated cooperation on the development of sustainable tourism and recreation in the Wadden Sea area
Fallstudie |
http://cwss.www.de |
The project area covers almost 10 000 km² along the Danish, German and Dutch coasts, corresponding to the regions of Ribe, Sønderjyllands, Schleswig-Holstein, Groningen, Friesland and Noord-Holland. It is the largest wetland of importance for nature conservation in the European Union. The resident population is relatively low, but increases considerably in the high season with tourists, who make a substantial contribution to the regional economy. The national authorities of the three countries have been cooperating actively since 1978 on the protection of this exceptional area, in particular within the framework of the Trilateral Conference. The project aims to contribute to the achievement of the objectives agreed at national and international levels by developing Interregional cooperation and public involvement. It will mainly address the promotion of environmentally-friendly tourism to create jobs and generate local income. Results anticipated: - Improvement of cooperation between the authorities and bodies concerned with the development of the Wadden Sea region.
- Participation of the population in the decision-making processes.
- Application of the principles of sustainability and integration to regional planning.
- Demonstration of how the results of this innovative cooperation concept can be incorporated into the everyday decisions of the various authorities and how the concept and method used can be applied in other transboundary coastal areas.
- Dissemination of knowledge acquired and consideration of the results at the Ninth Conference on the Waddenzee in the year 2000.
Nature conservation, Water |
Ms Marit Nielsen-Man Ribe Amt Amtsgården Sorsigvej 35 6760 Ribe DENMARK Telefon: +45-75-42.42.00 ext. 7120 Fax: +45-75-42.47.95 E-Mail: mnm@ribeamt.dk |
EU LIFE-Environment 96/DK/012/PAZ (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/home.htm) |