SPICOSA: Limfjord, Denmark
Fallstudie |
01/02/2007 - 31/01/2011 |
The Limfjord is situated in North Jutland, with western inlet to the North Sea and a narrow channel leading to the Kattegat. With a surface area of 1500 km3 and about 1000 km of coastline, the Limfjord is the largest fjord in Denmark. The estuary is strongly impacted by an intensive blue mussel commercial fishery causing habitat changes and heavy eutrophication resulting in frequent oxygen depletion events. The fjord is used for ship transport from the North Sea to the Kattegat and viceversa and water-related recreational activity. The catchment area is relatively flat, expands over 51 counties. The primary land-use is agriculture covering about 62% of the area. About 15% is covered with forest and the remaining 22% is semi-urban and open nature. Suspended matter has a great influence on light penetration in this relatively shallow fjord and consists of phytoplankton and re-suspended matter, especially in the wind-exposed western part of the fjord. Agriculture, Large catchment with intensive agriculture results in high annual nutrient input. Commercial fishing for shellfish. A large mussel fishing industry based on bottom dredging. Stones and shells removed are not returned to the estuary resulting in habitat degradation. Fisheries Policy in particular a policy for mussel and oyster fishery within the Limfjord has been established. A policy for increased production by mussel farming (aquaculture) has been established. A new land-use policy is currently being proposed to redistribute land use relative to watershed characteristics and potential run-off/nutrient leakage. |
Fishery and Aquaculture, Policy, Water |
Josianne Støttrup Danish Institute for Fisheries Research DENMARK E-Mail: jgs@dfu.min.dk |
Core Partner: NERI National Environmental Research Institute (Professor Stiig Markager); Systems Modelling. Linked Partners : University of Southern Denmark (Dr. Marianne Holmer). Marine Ecology and Socio-economic and IFM Institute for Fisheries Management & Coastal Community Development (Senior Researcher Sten Sverdrup-Jensen). Socio-economic |