DINAS-COAST: Dynamic and interactive assessment of national, regional and global vulnerability of coastal zones to climate change and sea-level rise
Projekt |
www.dinas-coast.net |
01/05/2001 - 31/12/2004 |
THE MAIN OBJECTIVES OF DINAS-COAST project: A consistent evaluation of coastal impacts and adaptation at national, regional and global scales is required to satisfy current information needs for climate policy. DINAS-COAST brings together the best available science and data to help policy to interpret and evaluate coastal vulnerability to climate change. The project will develop the CD-ROM-based assessment tool DIVA (Dynamic Interactive Vulnerability Assessment), which will allow its users to evaluate the effects of mitigation and adaptation policies on coastal vulnerability, using a range of impact and adaptation indicators. DIVA will contain an extensive library of climate scenarios, derived from a climate system model of intermediate complexity, as well as socio-economic scenarios, a set of impact modules to assess changes in flood risk, wetland losses and socio-economic impacts, and an adaptation assessment module that includes both autonomous and planned adaptation. |
Best practice, Climate change, Coastal landscapes and ecosystems, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Sea level |
Prof. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber Potsdam-Institut fuer Klimafolgenforschung e.V Department of global change and social systems Telegrafenberg Haus 4 C 14412 Potsdam GERMANY Webseite: www.pik-potsdam.de |
Flood Hazard Research Centre FHRC (www.fhrc.mdx.ac.uk) WL Delft Hydraulic Marine and Coastal Management Department (www.wldelft.nl) Institute of Environmental Studies IVM (www.ivm.vu.nl) Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hamburg (www.uni-hamburg.de) Cambridge Coastal Research Unit CCRU (http://ccru.geog.cam.ac.uk) Neotectonics Research Centre (www.brunel.ac.uk) DENIS bv. (www.demis.nl) |
European Commission |