COLAR: Coastal and Lagoon Resource Centre
Projekt |
01/12/2002 - 30/11/2005 |
THE MAIN OBJECTIVES OF COLAR PROJECT: The aim of the proposal is to facilitate coastal research and education network in the southeast Baltic region. In COLAR the following key issues are addressed: - Extension of existing research and education activities at Coastal Research and Planning Institute (CORPI)
- Promotion of problem oriented coastal research networks in the South-Eastern Baltic
- Establishment of a closer co-operation with twin centres involved in coastal studies
- Facilitate the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and the EU Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy in Lithuania and other South-Eastern Baltic NAS countries
- Provide better support for economic and social development in costal areas of Lithuania and other NAS states by providing interdisciplinary education and expert services
Overall objective of COLAR proposal is: - to create an internationally sound coastal and lagoon centre in Lithuania
- to facilitate establishment of coastal research and education network in the southeast Baltic region
The objective could be achieved by using and widening the already existing collaboration between the Coastal Research and Planning Institute (CORPI) and scientific institutions in the EU, other NAS states and the north-western region of Russia. Proposal comprises 8 work packages focused on scientific, educational and administrative development of the Centre as well as enhancement of linkage to the end-users. Proposed measures include establishment of International Advisory Board, twinning activities, opening of post-doctoral positions for EU nationals, thematic conference and workshops, international postgraduate courses and establishment of Coastal Resource Service Centre. |
Coastal landscapes and ecosystems, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) |
Professor Vaidutis Laurenas Klaipéda University, Coastal Research and Planning Institute Manto 84 5808 Klaipeda LITHUANIA Telefon: +47 63-98901 E-Mail: prorekt2@rekt.ku.lt Webseite: www.ku.lt |
University of Latvia, Latvia (www.hydroecology.lv) Institut fur Ostseeforschung-Warnemuende (www.io-warnemuende.de) Institute of Marine Science, Lesina, Italy Institute of Marine Biology of Crete (www.imbc.gr) Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Marine Cartography University of Szczecin (http://sus.univ.szczecin.pl) Netherlands Institute of Ecology Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology,The Netherlands (www.nioo.knaw.nl/CEME) University of Aveiro, Portugal (www.ua.pt/english.asp) Archipelago Research Institute, Turku University, Finland (www.utu.fi/erill/saarmeri/en) Department of Systems Ecology; Stockholm University, Sweden (www.ecology.su.se) |
European Commission |