RIBAMOD: River basin modelling, management and flood mitigation
Projekt |
www.hrwallingford.co.uk/projects/RIBAMOD |
The basic information about RIBAMOD project: The RIBAMOD Concerted Action is now funded by DG XII as a part of the Fourth Framework Research Programme. It will examine long-term generic issues as initiatives are already in place to tackle operational problems in specific river systems. The Concerted Action will focus on flooding but considered within the framework of integrated river management. The Concerted Action may be viewed as having broadly five functions: - to identify difficulties arising from past management practices
- to identify best practice
- to take an overview of current EU research projects in the area
- to identify research need.
It is expected that other benefits will ensue from the RIBAMOD Concerted Action including:
- establishing an informal network of researchers and practitioners
- transfer of information, results and experience between existing research programmes and practitioners.
RIBAMOD will promote understanding of technical and policy issues in flood management, will examine how advanced modelling should support planning, design, operation and maintenance of flood defence systems and will identify methods and procedures for sustainable development, management and use of the river and its catchment. |
Best practice, Information system, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Research and development, River |
Mr Paul Samuels HR Wallingford, UK Howbery Park OX10 8BA Wallingford UNITED KINGDOM Fax: +44 1491 825916 E-Mail: pgs@hrwallingford.co.uk Webseite: www.hrwallingford.co.uk |
Danish Hydraulic Institute (www.dhi.dk) Delft Hydraulics (www.wldelft.nl) National Technical University of Athens (www.central.ntua.gr) University of Padua (www.IPDUNIVX.UNIPD.IT) Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (www.pik-potsdam.de) |
European Union |