HELCOM-BSPA: the Joint HELCOM/OSPAR Work Programme on Marine Protected areas
Projekt |
http://www.helcom.fi/projects/on_going/en_GB/bspa/ |
2004 - 2005 |
Background about HELCOM-BSPA Project: HELCOM and OSPAR have adopted a joint Work Programme on Marine Protected Areas to ensure that the implementation of the HELCOM/OPSPAR Ministerial Declaration (Joint Ministerial Meeting, Bremen 2003) is done consistently across their maritime areas. The declaration stated that a first set of marine protected areas be identified by 2006, followed by the identification of gaps in order to complete by 2010 a joint network of well-managed marine protected areas that, together with the NATURA 2000 network, is ecologically coherent. This project aims to: - update and supplement information on the network of Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs) and the implementation status of HELCOM Recommendation 15/5 on BSPAs
- develop further HELCOM guidelines for management of the BSPAs and for monitoring the effectiveness of management
- the project will also evaluate the theoretical ecological coherence of the network of BSPAs, identify gaps to be filled and provide basic guidance for establishing a dialogue between stakeholders in the BSPAs.
The Project shall: - concentrate its work on the final establishment of the BSPA system by supporting Contracting Parties with the final demarcation of all BSPAs and by carrying out appropriate activities for the realization of a well functioning and well managed system of Coastal and Marine Baltic Sea Protected Areas
- initiate and support joint efforts in realizing the BSPA system together with the NATURA 2000 network in the EU member states and with the Emerald network in the Russian Federation
- develop common theoretical and practical aspects of what would constitute an ecologically coherent network of BSPAs taking into account respective work done by OSPAR MASH;
- evaluate whether the Baltic Sea Protected Areas that have been identified are sufficient to constitute the joint network and take steps to identify and fill any gaps that are identified
- support HELCOM in the development of common proposal for a programme aimed at enhancing the protection of species and habitats in European marine waters, and to produce proposals for amendments to the annexes to the Habitats and Birds Directives by 2005
Coastal landscapes and ecosystems, Management, Monitoring and evaluation |
Juha-Markku Leppänen HELCOM Helsinki Commission Helsinki FINLAND Telefon: +358-9-6220 2227 E-Mail: juha-markku.leppanen@helcom.fi Webseite: www.helcom.fi |
European Union |