The main objective of this project is to answer the following questions:
- What are or will be the most important changes in deltas?
- How are the fluxes of nutrients and sediment in deltas altered by human
- What information is available about best management practices in deltas?
- Are they being evaluated?
- What can we learn from these?
- Which concepts and tools are available for supporting delta management?
- Have they been applied?
The obtained results :
- Network of people involved in delta issues
- Active web-site on deltas
- Assessment report addressing the questions
Best practice, Delta, Management, Sediment transport
Mr Maarten Scheffers RIKZ Rijkswaterstaat National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management Kortenaerkade 1 2500 EX Haga NETHERLANDS E-Mail: Webseite:
Finanziert von:
The Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management; the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science