COASTBASE: The European Virtual Coastal and Marine Data Warehouse
Projekt |
01/2000 - 12/2001 |
CoastBase is a project aiming to design the European virtual coastal and marine data warehouse, is supported by the European Commission (DG Information Society) within the Fifth Framework Programme "Research and Technology Development". The CoastBase project was launched in January 2000 by a multidisciplinary consortium of eleven partners from different European countries. The CoastBase client (based on HTML and Java) provides uniform, multilingual and interactive access to all CoastBase services. The CoastBase architecture can be divided into three types of services; - virtual catalogue (localize information on the basis of meta data),
- data access and manipulation (transforming and aggregating the data),
- feedback (provider feedback, commenting and upload of own products).
This architecture is designed to be modular and open, allowing future inclusion of new data manipulation functions or connections to other information sources. The ultimate aim is to improve marine and coastal research, assessment, policy making and cooperation along Europe's coasts. |
Coastal modelling, Data collection, Management |
COASTBASE | The main objective of COASTBASE project | |
Mr. Niesing The National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management (RIKZ). / English (COASTBASE) Kortenaerkade 1, 2500 EX The Hague NETHERLANDS Telefon: +31 70 3114380 Fax: +31 70 3114380 Webseite: www.rikz.rws.minvenw.nl |
National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management (NL) (www.rikz.nl) Italian National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Environment (I) Joint Research Centre-Space Application Institute (I) Institute of Marine Research (NO) (www.imr.no) EUCC - The Coastal Union (www.eucc.net) Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universitaet Karlsruhe (D) Matra Systems & Information (F) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (DK) (www.ices.dk) Information Training Local Development LTD (GR) (www.info-peta.gr) Marine Institute Gdansk (PL) (www.im.gda.pl) Ministry of Lower Saxony (D) (www.mu.niedersachsen.de) |
European Union |