CoNet CZM 21: Coastal Network - Coastal Zone Agenda 21 Sustainable Coastal Zone Development in the Baltic Sea Region
Projekt |
http://www.conet21.de/ |
CoNet CZA 21 is a project to promote a sustainable coastal zone development in the Baltic Sea Region by activating already existing groups. It promotes the experience exchange of local and regional networks, groups of citizens, Local Agenda 21-groups etc. in the entire Baltic Sea Region concerning sustainable coastal zone development and information dissemination for development and implementation of planned projects in other coastal regions or municipalities within the Baltic Sea Region. The project’s pilot phase was funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU). After the pilot phase has been completed, an association was founded to continue the work initiated by the project. |
Agenda 21, Development pressures, Governance |
Hanns J. Buchholz Hannover University - Institute of Geography Dept. of Human Geography Schneiderberg 50 Schneiderberg 50 D-30167 Hannover GERMANY Telefon: + 49 511 762-2233 E-Mail: buchholz@kusogeo.uni-hannover.de Webseite: http://www.geog.uni-hannover.de/ |
mensch & region Böhm, Kleine-Limberg GbR, Germnay (http://www.mensch-und-region.de/) Institute for Environmental Science and Management (IESaM), University of Latvia (http://www.lu.lv/) Baltic Local Agenda 21 Forum (BLA21F), Denmark (http://www.bla21f.net/) |
Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), Germany (http://www.dbu.de/) |