Management of urbanization processes of coastal areas. From the regional urban plan to bottom-up participation
Projekt |
01/10/2004 - 01/09/2007 |
Project background Coastal areas and their natural resources (sea and land) are compromised by increasingly serious conflicts among their users and by institutional and political problems that may lead to a progressive sometimes irreversible decay. In coastal areas, then, the environmental problem seems to consist mainly in the absence of a holistic and integrated approach. Namely, “…the legislative range and the set of tools available are rather satisfying, but they are far from reaching a full effectiveness due to the lack of coordination among the several subjects who influence the evolution of coastal zones” (par. 2.2.2) Communication to the Council and to the European Parliament COM(95) 511def./2 .Further definitions of the environmental problem can be drawn out from the paper COM(2000) 547 Bruxelles, 27.09.2000 Communication Of The Commission To The Council And To The European Parliament On The Integrated Management Of Coastal Areas: A Strategy For Europe”. Project objectives - Drawing up a model for planning and integrated management of coastal areas with widespread urbanisation, as a good practice to be transferred in other context
- testing a strategic approach to action planning and implementation;
- integrating competences, needs, techniques and resources, applying Community guidelines on integrated management of coastal areas;
- testing a model of concerted actions/participation/dissemination;
- testing a model of multidisciplinary design which represent different training areas and all the competent boards, interested in this issues;
- carrying out pilot actions to re-create some coastal areas with widespread urbanization by improving the environmental conditions and the social context, with the aim of a wider, sustainable fruition of cultural resources;
- proving the effectiveness of applying techniques of natural environment engineering with low environmental impact.
Development pressures, Governance, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Stakeholders and public participation |
Fabrizio Cimino Regione SiciliaAssessorato Territorio e Ambiente - Dip. dell'Urbanistica -Servizio 1/DRU Via Ugo La Malfa, 169 Palermo ITALY Telefon: 091 39 6968677 |
2.366.000 |