Mossbauer, M.. Lokale Küstenerosion in der Glowe-Bucht - eine Analyse. In: EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V.. International approaches of coastal research in theory and practice. Coastline Reports (13), pp. 65-77. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009.
Local coastal erosion in the Glowe-Bay – an analysis. Before the 1950’s the bayed beach of Glowe, a coastal resort on the Rügen Island in the southern Baltic Sea, was wide and sandy. It fitted to all kinds of tourist demands. But after the construction of a small breakwater on the eastern end of the beach, the sand in front of the village Glowe disappeared. Since the 1960’s, the causes for the erosion were analyzed in many different ways but never really identified. To enable an efficient coastal protection in the future, this paper combines findings of mathematic calculations, literature research, simulations and new measurements of currents and brings the driving forces of the loss of sand to light: the breakwater of a small harbour in combination with natural coastal dynamic processes.The breakwater deflects sediment movements which come from an active cliff coast in the east. This deflection cuts the sediment supply of the beach in Glowe and causes the retreat of the beach line. Natural coastal dynamics amplify the further loss of material. In the past a natural sediment trap in form of a small cape in the western part of the bay was a hindering factor for erosion in the research area. Nowadays this cape is ablated to a minimum. The analyses show that the actual loss of sand implies no special risk for coastal protection. Mathematic calculations made a good case for a stable beachline in its actual eroded shape, protected by the breakwaters of the marina. But the present situation is not suitable for tourism. The coastal resort Glowe needs a wide and sandy beach to run several tourist offers like the rental of roofed wicker beach chairs, surfing and boating. For that reason, beach nourishments played an important role for coastal protection in the past because nourishments widen the sandy area for recreation near the water. The flip side of the coin is that these “refillings” shift the shoreline seawards and decrease the protection function of the breakwaters. A man-made increased erosion rate is the consequence of such coastal protection plans. |
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