Fonteh, M., Esteves L. S., Gehrels, R. W.. Mapping and valuation of ecosystems and economic activities along the coast of Cameroon: implications of future sea level rise. In: EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V.. International approaches of coastal research in theory and practice. Coastline Reports (13), pp. 47-63. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009.
The vulnerability of the coastal zone of Cameroon to flooding from sea level rise (SLR) was quantified using Geographic Information System (GIS) flooding analysis. The main economic activities and ecosystems along this area were identified using secondary data. Valuations of non-market values of ecosystems were based on the ecosystem service product method. The low-lying coastal areas were found to be physically and socio-economically susceptible to impacts of SLR due to their high ecological and economic value. A digitised land use/land cover (LULC) classification was produced from low resolution topographic maps and Google Earth images of the area. The digital elevation model (DEM) used was acquired by the shuttle radar topography mission. Evaluation of potential land loss due to inundation was based on empirical approaches using minimum and maximum scenarios of 2 and 10 m flooding. These were estimated considering the best available SLR data for the area, mean high water levels and wave heights during storms. The estimated SLR range from 2.3 m to 9.2 m for the low and high scenarios, respectively, by 2050 and from 2.6 m to 9.7 m for the low and high scenarios, respectively, by the year 2100. Results indicate that 112 km2 (1.2 %) and 1,216 km2 (12.6 %) of the coastal area will be lost from a 2 m (equivalent to a low scenario by 2050) and 10 m (equivalent to a high scenario by 2100) flooding, respectively. 0.3 % to 6.3 % of ecosystems worth US$ 12.13 billion/yr could be at risk of flooding by the years 2050 and 2100. The areas under a serious threat contain mangroves, sea and airport, residential and industrial areas of Douala. Main plantation crops of banana and palms will be slightly affected. The identification of the socio-economic impacts of projected SLR on vulnerable coastlines and populations is important for timely actions to be taken in mitigating the effects of natural disasters in the coastal zone. |
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