Schumacher, S., Stybel, N.. Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Ostseetourismus - Beispiele internationaler und nationaler Anpassungsstrategien. In: EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V.. International approaches of coastal research in theory and practice. Coastline Reports (13), pp. 23-46. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009.
Climate change impacts on Baltic tourism – international and national examples of adaptation strategies. Tourism is the most important and enormous increasing economic sector of the federal states Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein on the German Baltic Sea coast. Coastal tourism is specifically rated as a quite climate-sensitive sector representing victim and committer at the same time. The German climate policy is based on two columns: climate protection and adaptation. Adaptation can reduce risks and strengthen opportunities caused by climate change impacts on a regional level. Although increased temperatures and decreased precipitation in summer predict more favourable climate conditions for tourists, extending the bathing season and causing a potential movement from Mediterranean to temperate destinations, there are risks which have to be taken seriously. Additional climate impacts such as sea level rise, flooding, thunderstorms, jellyfish, algae blooms, invasive species, water shortages on drinking water and impacts on landscape require adaptation on the part of tourism actors. National and regional adaptation strategies are still in their infancy and concrete measures currently do not exist. Hence, this article provides an overview of a range of adaptation measures already put into practice in the summer tourism sector worldwide. Out of this range, measures potentially relevant for coastal tourism along the German Baltic Sea coast are assessed providing a basis for future discussion with stakeholders within the projects “BaltCICA – Climate Change: Impacts, Costs and Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region” and “RAdOst – Regionale Anpassungsstrategien für die deutsche Ostseeküste”. |
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