SPICOSA WP 12 Academic Training (UALG partner 11 and UoP partner 16). ICZM Graduate Level Courses (Review Report). 2007 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 12.1).
This report presentes the results of the survey of graduate level courses in existence within EU and notable universities in non-EU countries. It will report on the completeness of these courses with respect to establishing a curricula specific to the science and methodology requirements for implementing the SAF. The report focus on those specific universities that have well-organized curricula leading to graduate degrees in multidisciplinary fields, which relate to the coastal zone sustainability. It will evaluate these results in regard to establishing links with those universities, which wish to seek complementary to fund students for training and/or which would like to collaborate with SPICOSA in designing such a SAF based curriculum. |
D12_1_ICZM_graduate_level_courses.pdf (559.818 Bytes) |