Vanderlinden, Jean-Paul. SPICOSA’s WT1.1 leader. SPICOSA Stakeholder-Policy Mapping Users’ Manual, complete
version with worked examples. 2009 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 1.6).
This manual details a method called ‘Stakeholder-Issue Mapping,’ to inform and plan any collaborative process in the promotion of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. It engages stakeholders to help answer three key questions: 1) Who should participate in coastal governance? 2) What are the policy issues that need to be considered? 3) How do stakeholders in the coastal zone relate to each other and relate to the policy issues under consideration? The manual leads users through methods to map all stakeholders and their ‘big issues’ within a coastal context, before zooming in and mapping one ‘key issue’ in detail. This manual purposefully does not detail the following collaborative processes. Each collaborative process is constructed according to the needs brought to light by the Stakeholder-Issue Mapping process and the design is usually suggested by the assessor/facilitator, together with the stakeholders. The method will be illustrated using examples of Stakeholder-Issue Mapping from two particular case studies part of the ‘SPICOSA Project.’ |
D1_6_Methodology_Policy_Issue_Stakeholder_Mapping_with_Example_WP1_v0.pdf (411.915 Bytes) |