Schneider, M., Tiepolt, L.. Hochwasserschutzkonzept Nordusedom. In: Glaeser, B., Sekścińska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 101-107. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005.
Ermittlung der Hochwassergefährdung für Nordusedom, Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten zur Ermittlung des Schadenspotenzials, Ermittlung und Untersuchung von möglichen Varianten zur Beseitigung vorhandener Defizite im Hochwasserschutzsystem Nordusedom
As part of the process of drawing up the North Usedom Flood Defence Plan, the flooding of the northern section of the island of Usedom was simulated using a digital model of the terrain. This resulted in different flooding scenarios which varied according to the designed flood input (and thus the affected section of the coastline) in each case. The relevant parts of the area under investigation, the built-up coastal areas, were analysed on the basis of the simulation results; flooding characteristics were observed and causes for the inundation were identified. Further, various methods for determining potential damage were commented on and compared, as part of the process of developing the Flood Defence Plan. Taking potential danger to affected sites as the starting point, existing storm protection installations were checked; the condition and effectiveness of these installations were assessed in accordance with currently applicable technical standards. Deficits in the storm protection system in the investigated area were analysed: suggestions made as to ways in which these shortcomings could be remedied, and the potential costs of such solutions were estimated. |
Hochwasserschutzkonzept_Nordusedom.pdf (878.724 Bytes) |