van der Maarel, E., van der Maarel-Versluys, M.: Distribution and conservation status of littoral vascular plant species along the European coasts. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2: 73-92, 1996.
Abstract. A comprehensive list of 1068 typical littoral plant species and subspecies has been composed. They are considered endemic in a wide sense and are subdivided into widespread, transregional, regional and local endemics, the latter three categories being considered as endemics s.s. For each taxon the distribution, habitat preference, endemic status and conservation status are given. The list, which is available upon request, is summarized in a number of figures and tables, from which it appears that 61 % of all species are endemics s.s., that ca. 30 % of all species are dune and beach species and another nearly 30 % are maritime rock species. Species of wet habitats are concentrated in northern and northwestern Europe, dune species in western and southwestern Europe, western Mediterranean and Black Sea. The conservation status of most species is indicated; 37 % is considered threatened. It is concluded that the Bern Convention and the European Habitat Directive offer an entirely insufficient framework for effective conservation action. It is suggested to take the present list as a starting point for a geographical/taxonomical/ecological data base of European coastal endemics. |
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