Davidson, N.C., Stroud, D.A.: Conserving international coastal habitat networks on migratory waterfowl flyways. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2: 41-54, 1996.
Abstract. Migratory waterfowl depend on habitat networks at local, national and international scales for their survival. Coastal habitats are key areas for many waterfowl. Different species use different biotopes and in different places, so overall many parts of the coastal resource are important. As well as national conservation efforts, waterfowl conservation is increasingly focussed worldwide on collaborative international conservation, catalysed by several measures e.g. the Ramsar Convention, the EC Conservation of Wild Birds Directive, and the Bonn Convention Agreement on the Conservation of African/ Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds. Several international conservation plans are under development for single species, but a more effective approach may be to develop plans for assemblages of migratory birds with similar habitat requirements. All such plans must incorporate future sustainable use of the habitats on which the birds depend. Yet migratory bird and coastal habitat conservation is still often approached separately, despite the two being now closely linked to the development of the Natura 2000 site network in the European Community. Implementing the 1992 EC Habitats Directive requires the selection of coastal habitat sites for designation, set in national and international contexts of resource distribution. International coastal habitat inventories are needed to underpin this process. Combining such inventories with assessment of the flyway habitat requirements of waterfowl species and assemblages offers great potential for identifying international coastal habitat networks that meet the objectives of both habitat and migratory waterfowl conservation. |
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