Vött, A., Brückner, H., Schriever, A., Handl, M., Besonen, M., van der Borg, K.. Holocene coastal evolution around the ancient seaport of Oiniadai, Acheloos alluvial plain, NW Greece. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 43-53. 2004.
The former island of Trikardo with the ruins of ancient Oiniadai lies in the midst of the modern Acheloos alluvial plain, one of the largest deltaic areas in Greece. The main objective of this study was to reveal Holocene landscape evolution and its different causes. The ancient seaport of Oiniadai witnessed enormous coastal change during historical times. The site once belonged to the Echinades Islands, most of which have been engulfed by sediments of the Acheloos during the last 6,000 or so years. The present distance to the open sea is between 9 and 11 km. Analysis of literature shows differing interpretations about (i) how the Acheloos delta and alluvial plain formed during the Holocene, and (ii) how ancient Oiniadai was connected to the sea. However, little information about stratigraphy exists. A series of vibracorings were retrieved along selected transects, and lateral and vertical changes in sedimentary facies distribution were used to decipher landscape changes during the Holocene. Results suggest that (i) a vast lagoonal system north and east of Trikardo came into existence during the 5th millennium BC, (ii) the Acheloos delta front had already passed south of Oiniadai by about 2000 cal BC, and (iii) Oiniadai’s shipsheds were connected to the Ionian Sea via a lagoonal system opening to the west. This lagoon finally silted up in the 2nd century AD. The southern flank of Trikardo, where the southern harbour is assumed to have been located, lay adjacent to a shallow marine embayment which later turned into a lagoon. |
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