Cieślak, A.. Narodowa strategia ZZOP: Zarys polskiego punktu widzenia. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 11-18. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005.
National ICZM Strategy: An Outline of the Polish Point of View. The European Union recommendation for implementing ICZM in Europe obliges coastal EU Member States to develop, approve and implement national ICZM strategies. Formulation of such a strategy requires finding answers to the following questions: What is ICZM? What are its aims and objectives? Where are we now? What are the chances for, and limitations of, coastal zone development, and how does this relate to national interests? What are the priorities of coastal zone development from the national point of view? How does this translate into long-, medium- and short-term aims and objectives of the Polish ICZM strategy and action plan? Poland is at the beginning of the process of developing its ICZM strategy, therefore this paper presents only an outline of answers to some of the above questions. First, it is stressed that the sustainable development concept concerns the welfare of people, not the environment. Protection of the environment is one of many equally important partial objectives of sustainable development. Second, it is also pointed out that ICZM is simply a better way of doing management; it is not a completely new system or process. Third, the coastal zone is defined as a sea-land area contained between the landward border of coastal communes and the outer border of the EEZ. Fourth, the present state of ICZM in Poland and a draft general plan for developing the Polish ICZM strategy are presented briefly. In an analysis of the possibilities for social and economic development in the coastal zone, it is shown that tourism and recreation, though they are an important and developing branch of the economy, will not be able to fill the vacancies in the labour market, generated especially by reductions in the agricultural, fishing and shipbuilding industries. A basic chance to rebuild the economy can be seen in the development of ports. However, ports must not be seen simply as cargo handling areas, but rather as the basic town- and work-creating components of the coastal zone, directly and indirectly generating new, attractive and sustainable workplaces throughout the whole region. Finally, a proposal suggesting the most important topics to be covered by national policy on coastal zones is given. |
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