Licht-Eggert, K.. Scenarios as a tool for Integrated Costal Zone Management (ICZM) - how to handle the aspects of quality of life?. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 265-275. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007.
Using the German North Sea coast as an example for changing use patterns, the article describes the scenario approach used in the BMBF-funded research project “Zukunft Küste – Coastal Futures” as a tool for an integrated assessment of potential coastal developments. The approach examines a range of different scenarios or pathways for future development of the German North Sea region in order to describe potential changes in marine use patterns. The scenarios are based on the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model. The purpose of the scenarios is to describe the consequences of different sea use patterns in terms of regional development, coastal socio-economic structure and social infrastructure as well as marine ecosystem impacts. The paper focuses on criteria that can be used to assess social states and impacts based on a spatial approach. Here, infrastructural living conditions are described. Some indicators, figures and underlying data are presented. |
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