Kessler, V.. Information needs of tourists about the Baltic Sea in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 161-176. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009.


In the years since the reunification tourism has become an important economic sector of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, with the coast of the Baltic Sea playing a decisive role. However, the decreasing rates of growth and fallow accommodation capacities show that in order to compete successfully the branch needs to provide exceptional services. That is to say to inform tourists according to their demands about the holiday region. In order to determine tourists` satisfaction with the provided information about the Baltic Sea and the demand for further information, on the Baltic coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania a survey was conducted. For that purpose three typical coastal resorts were chosen. A media analysis determined which information about the Baltic Sea is available to tourists and to which extend they meet the interests of the tourists. The conducted survey revealed that the tourism industry does not use its possibilities. ¾ of the tourists were interested in more information or completely unsatisfied with the available information. Great knowledge gaps exits particularly regarding to the assumed hazardousness of some species. Furthermore varying interests in information and information-habits of different groups of tourists were identified. The results of the media analysis showed that most available information is superficial or that it focuses on problems of the Baltic Sea. The interests of the tourists are only seldom taken into account. The only found exception was the magazine Meer und Küste of the EUCC Germany. The results show a need for action. Information about the Baltic Sea, which takes different groups of tourists into account, which is easily available and which serves the interests of tourists is necessary. Furthermore it is essential to inform about typical phenomena and species of the Baltic Sea which tourists presume to be dangerous. Regarding the competition with coastal resorts which are a great distance from the Baltic Sea, it is recommended to provide information to compare the features of the Baltic Sea resorts with the features of coastal resorts.

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