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For organizers use only
Warsaw, 5-6 June 2002, Warsaw International Expocentre EXPO XXI
PBP</span><span class="Standardowy--Char" style=" font-family: 'Arial', 'Arial'; ">1 |
Name of Institution/ company |
Department |
Wroclaw Branch | ||||||||
Address |
Street Parkowa |
No 30 |
City Wroclaw | ||||||
Postal Code 51-616 |
Country Poland |
Web site | |||||||
Type of institution |
¨ University x Research Institute ¨ Int’l Organization ¨ Consultancy ¨ Public Administration ¨ Large Industry ¨ SME ¨ Other: ................................................................................ | ||||||||
Contact person |
Forename and surname Ewa Mlostek | ||||||||
Degree and position Dr – senior specialist | |||||||||
Phone +48/71/3200222 |
Fax +48/71/3487991 | | |||||||
I am interested in translation during the Forum x Yes ¨ No | |||||||||
Additional information on your institution |
Established |
Number of employees |
Experience in international co-operation | ||||||
1946 |
180 |
x yes ¨ no | |||||||
Main subject of activity |
Key words (max. 3) | ||||||||
hydrology |
meteorology |
water management | |||||||
Institution profile |
give a brief description of area of expertise The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Wroclaw Branch, has over 50 years tradition in performing a state hydrological service also by developing the whole systems of everyday warning and forecast. After recent large flood event in Odra River basin (in 1997) an emphasis is put on the hydrological forecast system and modelling of discharge and particulary of the transformation of flood wave in river bed. Apart from the flood forecasts and warning IMGW-Wroclaw carried out research and development activity in other fields as followed:
-International Odra Project (IPO) -Odra Project (Simulation of floods in Odra catchment with use of coupled model system) -development of new version the simulation model LISFLOOD |
PBP</span><span class="Standardowy--Char" style=" font-family: 'Arial', 'Arial'; ">2 |
Information on your project (in case you have a project idea) |
TitleCentre of Competence in Flood and Water Management (FLOOD WAMAN) |
Stage of your projectx Initial idea ¨ Feasibility study ¨ Definition phase x Development has been started ¨ Full exploitation ¨ Other: .................................................................................................................. | ||
Describe your project idea briefly: The major objectives of FLOOD WAMAN Project:
| ||
I would like to make short presentation during workshop x Yes ¨ No | ||
Forms of
Technical Financial ¨ Equipment supply ¨ Licencing ¨ Equity ¨ Technology transfer x Subcontracting ¨ Loans ¨ Turnkey Project x Training x Grant ¨ Marketing x Technical expertise ¨ Joint Venture ¨ Other: ............................................................................................. | |
PBP</span><span class="Standardowy--Char" style=" font-family: 'Arial', 'Arial'; ">3 |
Type of partner sought |
x University x Research Institute ¨ Int’l Organization ¨ Public Administration ¨ Consultancy ¨ Large Industry ¨ SME ¨ Other: …………………… |
Please give a brief description of the area of expertise of sought partner FLOOD WAMAN Net, -project aims to make major contribution in area of operational flood forecasting and warning. Upon the basis of recent close cooperation between Czech, Polish and German teams, the objective is to develop and apply a model consortium composed between all of the relevant institutions of Central and East Europe and to be after a measure for transition of knowledge and experience. Bulding up the critical mass of research resources and practical expertise needed to be a European force based on and gathered around above mentioned objectives the joint programme of activity. | ||
Forms of
Technical Financial ¨ Equipment supply ¨ Licencing ¨ Equity ¨ Technology transfer ¨ Subcontracting ¨ Loans ¨ Turnkey Project x Technical expertise ¨ Marketing x Training x Grant ¨ Joint Venture ¨ Other: ............................................................................................. | |
Co-operation partner |
Name and address of potential partner you would like to meet at the Forum. Name, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address of a contact person -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID number of project you are interested in (please visit base of projects at web site www......) | |
Do you agree with the complete publication of all these details in a catalogue? x yes ¨¨ no |