Preparation and Integration of Analysis Tools towards Operational Forecast of Nutrients in Estuaries of European Rivers
Annex 1
Technical Annex
PL 971629
Preparation and Integration of Analysis Tools towards Operational Forecast of Nutrients in Estuaries of European Rivers
The sustainable management of the coastal zone requires routine monitoring and assessment of the status of the ecosystem "coastal zone". To obtain an efficient and cost-effective system, "intelligent" observational strategies combined with an analysis software encoding our present knowledge about the dynamics of the considered system are needed. This software determines the informational value of actual observations, combines all observations with previous forecasts and returns a best guess of the detailed present space-time state.
PIONEER will set up analysis systems for routine day-to-day monitoring, analysis and short-term prediction of nutrient distributions in the Odra and Ebro estuaries. The project integrates presently available technology and methodology in data management, geostatistical and dynamical data assimilation and numerical modelling in co-operation between scientific institutions, management authorities and commercial companies.
The overall approach of PIONEER parallels the analysis in weather forecasting. Point observations together with a "best guess" are processed in a data assimilation scheme. Since data assimilation with respect to nutrients is a new application three schemes of increasing complexity will be explored: simple spatial interpolation, geostatistics and dynamical data assimilation. As a by-product, the project will offer estimates of the predictability of the estuarine ecosystems on time scales of days and weeks.
The systems developed by PIONEER include:
The application of the methodologies and future steps towards an operational mode of the forecasting system will be discussed with the responsibles from politics, coastal zone management and tourism organisations in regional meetings. The project is a significant contribution to EuroGOOS that has strong emphasis in creating cost efficient operational forecasting tools.
Preparation and Integration of Analysis Tools towards Operational Forecast of Nutrients in Estuaries of European Rivers
The main objective of PIONEER is the development of techniques for the day-to-day monitoring, analysis and short-term prediction of nutrient and related suspended matter distributions in estuaries. Such systems are expected to be routinely operated by management authorities as well as commercial companies in the future.
To reach the above mentioned objective the following scientific and technical goals are pursued:
The system will be tested with historical data sets from the Odra lagoon, the estuaries of the Odra at the German-Polish border and the Ebro in northern Spain; only in case of nutrient in the Ebro estuary, PIONEER will be engaged in data sampling. These three cases have been chosen because of their different hydrological regimes and the availability of detailed data. The methodologies developed in PIONEER are transferable to other estuarine areas in Europe and world-wide.
The scientific methodology of PIONEER resembles the approach of weather forecasting. The actual point observations together with a "best guess" independent of the actual data are brought together in a data assimilation scheme which results in a space-time analysis of the system dynamically consistent with the data, the guess and the assumed dynamics of the system. This analysis, then, may be used as an initial state for a forecast. The forecast for the next observational time usually forms the above mentioned "best guess".
This concept has hardly been used for coastal zone applications. PIONEER combines available technology in data handling, geostatistics and dynamical data assimilation techniques, and dynamical forecasts and applies these to nutrient distributions. The skills and potentials of the system will be assessed for test cases of several week length to simulate "real-time" operational conditions. A hierarchy of analysis techniques, ranging form simple spatial interpolation to state-of-the-art full-fledged dynamical assimilation will be tested and compared in terms of efficiency and skill.
The PIONEER project is organised in two main phases. In phase 1 (task 100- task 300) the tools and data to run the operational simulations will be set up. In phase 2 (task 400 - task 600) the developed tools will be applied , tested and then assessed by user groups, such as governmental authorities.
Task 100: Setup of analysis tools
Task 200 : Setup of data base
To combine meteorological, hydrographical, and water quality parameters for operational forecasting a data base will be set up and made available for all partners via WWW. The data base comprises historical field data and field data measured during the project period. In addition the model data will be stored in the same data base.
Task 300: Preparation of models and data sets for the operational simulations
In PIONEER, two main sets of data will be analysed. Historical data, which are available in all three areas, that will be used to set up and improve the numerical models and assimilation tools. The data gathered during the project will be used to run the operational simulations. Fore each area of application time frames of representative scenarios will be defined to demonstrate the operational simulations. The task is subdivided into two activities.
Task 400: Operational simulations
The developed analysis and data management tools will be integrated and applied to simulate the selected scenarios defined under task 300.
Task 500: Assessment and validation of methods and results
The dependencies of the model forecast on data quality and the skill of the assimilation schemes are validated and assessed.
Task 600: Dissemination and exploitation
Three symposia combined with the half annual project meetings at the three different demonstration sites will be held in order to involve the potential end users in the developing phase of the pre-operational forecasting tool. In addition the scientific outcome of the project will be documented by presenting the results on international conferences and publishing in scientific journals.
UPC with associated partner: UPV
VKI with associated partners: DHI and NIOZ
IM with associated partner: TU
Task 100: |
Setup of analysis tools |
Activity 110: |
Setup of the combined/coupled dynamical models for the three areas |
Activity 111 |
Setup of the hydrodynamic/transport models for the three areas |
Activity 112 |
Setup of the suspended sediment transport module for the three areas |
Activity 113 |
Setup of nutrient dynamics model for the three areas |
Activity 114 |
Coupling of the nutrient model with the hydrodynamic/transport models |
Activity 120 |
Setup of ‘simple’ data assimilation tools |
Activity 121 |
Setup of geostatistical multivariate data assimilation methods. |
Activity 122 |
Setup of geodynamical data assimilation methods |
Task 200 |
Setup of data base |
Activity 210 |
Setup of data bases for the three areas |
Activity 220: |
Setup of data exchange via WWW |
Task 300 |
Preparation of models and data sets for the operational simulations |
Activity 310 |
Exploiting historical data for model calibration for the three areas |
Activity 320 |
Preparation of initial values and boundary conditions for the operational simulation of the three areas |
Task 400 |
Operational simulations |
Activity 410: |
Application of data assimilation techniques with increasing complexity for all three areas |
Activity 420: |
Application of data assimilation techniques in the forecasting phase with increasing complexity for all three areas |
Activity 430 |
Documentation of results |
Task 500 |
Assessment and validation of methods and results |
Activity 510 |
Quality assessment for data assimilation methods from activity 120 (simple methods) |
Activity 520 |
Quality assessment for methods from activity 121 (geostatistical methods) |
Activity 530 |
Quality assessment for data assimilation methods from task 122 (geodynamical methods) |
Task 600: |
Dissemination and Exploitation |
Activity 610 |
Dissemination: Involvement of potential end users |
Activity 620 |
Exploitation: Implementation of pre-operational system |
Task 100: Setup of analysis tools
This item is further split into subtasks numbered from 110 to 114 for conventional model coupling and from 120 to 122 for data assimilation techniques.
The tasks describe the work for the respective numbers in the detailed description of tasks in chapter 2.2 of the PIONEER proposal
Milestone M100 Source code of Interface to couple the different models incl. assimilation methods
Links: Required for Task 300 and 400
Activity 110: Setup of the numerical coupling of the dynamical models for hydrodynamic processes (currents and waves) in the three areas.
Taskleader: GKSS
Partners involved: UPC, IM, VKI
Duration: 18 months
Objective: To combine the models developed in activities 111-113 into a functional numerical code (an executable program). The interfacing of a wave model with a model for current and water level to become a coupled model which is calibrated to the Odra river, the Odra lagoon and the Ebro estuarine regions respectively. The atmospheric input has to be linked to the coupled model and to the large scale atmospheric conditions.
Methodology: An interface software module is developed that co-ordinates the numerical interaction of the submodels. For each of the estuaries a functional code will be developed that comprises the physical submodel in the simulation environment, the sediment transport submodel and the nutrient dynamics model.
Deliverables: Source code of the interface
Links: required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (man months): 6 MM
Activity 111: Setup of the hydrodynamic/transport models for the three areas.
Taskleader: IM
Partners involved: GKSS, UPC, VKI
Duration: 18 months
Objective: The extension of an existing numerical model for the physical processes, as developed in Activity 110 into a transport model for interacting dissolved substances. The model will be calibrated for the three demonstration regions.
Methodology: Modification of existing program codes. For the Odra river (area 1).
A 1D hydrodynamic model is used on an operational basis for simulating stages and flows in lower Odra river network for the section from Gozdowice to Trzebiez. This model will be expanded up to the Warta mouth, updated with its geometry and include retention polders and Dabie lake (as 2-D-model). For the Odra lagoon (area 2)
The hydrodynamic and transport modelling of the Odra lagoon will be set up from existing numerical models.
For the Ebro estuarine area, a 3-D model will be set up for current modelling and for transport processes.
Deliverables: Source codes
Links: Required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (man months) 45 MM
Activity 112: Setup of the suspended sediment transport module for the three areas.
Taskleader: UPC
Partners involved: GKSS, IM, VKI
Duration: 18 months
Objective: The extension of a numerical model for dissolved substances, as developed in task 111 into a model for the transport of suspended matter, including settling and resuspension processes.
For the already existing numerical models in the Odra river, the Odra lagoon and the Ebro estuarine plume the algorithms for deposition and resuspension will be compared and, if necessary, improved by including waves, currents and/or biogeochemical coupling processes.Methodology : Modification of existing program codes.
A recently developed three-dimensional mud transport model will be applied in all three regions to find possible improvements of the existing modules.
Deliverables: Source codes
Links: required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (personal month) 31
Activity 113: Setup of nutrient dynamics model for the three areas.
Taskleader: VKI
Partners involved: GKSS, UPC,IM
Duration: 18 months
Objective: The adaptation of an existing numerical model for nutrient dynamics (ERSEM) to the Odra lagoon and the Ebro estuarine area.
Methodology : Modification of existing source codes. An existing model explicitly describing the cycling of the macronutrients N, P and Si in the water column and the underlying sediments will form the basis of this model.
Deliverables: Source codes.
Links: Required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (man months): 16
Activity 114: Coupling of the nutrient model with the hydrodynamical/transport models
Taskleader: VKI
Partners involved: GKSS, UPC, IM
Duration: 18 months
Objective: Development of the software interfaces for the interaction of different numerical modules.
To link the model concept of ERSEM (e.g. compartments as spatial subareas and time steps on the order of a day) with the model concept of transport processes (e.g. regular grids and smaller time steps).
Methodology : Generation of concepts and program codes.
Construct and run a complex ecosystem model coupled to the existing regional hydrodynamic, wave and transport models; Partner 4 will, as a joint activity with partner 1,2 and 5, implement the coupling of the regional models to the nutrient model.
Deliverables: Description of concepts and source codes.
Links: required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (man months): 35
Activity 120: Setup of ‘simple’ data assimilation tools
Taskleader: ARMINES
Partners involved: NERSC, GKSS
Duration: 12 months
Objective: Prepare the tools to generate parameter fields in space and time for the considered biogeophysical processes by using the numerical model as interpolation tool in space and time between the individual time series at given sensor locations.
Methodology : Improve the calibration parameters of the numerical tools to achieve an optimal fit for the field data from the scenarios selected in task 300. The output of the calibrated models will be used later to achieve a first guess for the parameter fields in space and time in the scenarios selected in task 300. The data to be assimilated are time series of salinity, temperature, and concentrations of nitrogen, ammonium, phosphor, silicate, oxygen, suspended sediment and chlorophyll from the observation stations.
Deliverables: Parameter fields in space and time for the selected scenarios.
Links: required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (man months): 3
Activity 121: Setup of geostatistical multivariate data assimilation methods.
Taskleader: ARMINES
Partners involved: NERSC, GKSS
Duration: 12 months
Objective: Prepare tools to analyse parameter fields in space and time for the considered biogeophysical processes by using multivariate geostatistical techniques.
Methodology : Use correlation in space and time to determine statistical behaviour for the individual time series at the given sensor locations.
Deliverables: Concepts to derive statistical properties from parameter fields in space and time for the selected scenarios.
Links: Required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (man months): 5
Activity 122: Setup of geodynamical data assimilation methods
Taskleader: NERSC
Partners involved: ARMINES
Duration: 12 months
Objective: Preparation of dynamical geostatistical tools to analyse parameter fields in space and time for the considered biogeophysical processes that are consistent with the space-time development of the numerical models.
Methodology : Both weak constraint variational and sequential assimilation methods will be considered and examined, a gradient descent method for the weak constraint problem and a method based on the ensemble Kalman filter and optimal interpolation for the sequential problem. Both the gradient descent and the ensemble Kalman filter have proven to be superior to other traditional data assimilation methods.
Deliverables: Concepts to derive parameter fields in space and time deduced from the field data and the model behaviour in the selected scenarios.
Links: Required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (man months): 12
Task 200 :
Setup of data baseTo combine meteorological, hydrographical, and water quality parameters for operational forecasting three data bases connected with the three demonstration areas will be set up and made available for all partners via WWW. The data bases comprise historical field data and field data measured during the project period. In addition the model data will be stored in the same data base. The task is described in two activities 210 and 220. The tasks describe the work for the respective numbers in the detailed description of tasks in chapter 2.2 of the PIONEER proposal
Milestones: M200A Data base with historical data from the Odra lagoon (GKSS)
M200B Data base with historical data from the Ebro river (UPC)
M200C Data base with historical data from the Odra river (IM)
Links: Required for Task 300 and 400
Activity 210: Setup of data bases for the three areas
Taskleader: UPC
Partners involved: GKSS, IM, VKI, IGUC
Duration: 30 months
Objective: Archiving the data sets in agreed formats.
To make field data in space and time accessible for the operational forecasts for the considered biogeophysical processes.
To store model data for the assessment of different assimilation methods.
Methodology : To gather parameter fields in space and time and store them under an agreed format (e.g. EDMED)in a data bank.
To transform model data into the format of the data bank
Measured (uncorrected and processed) data and final model results (assimilated and forecasted data) will be archived at the computer centres of partners 1, 2 and 5. First, agreed formats and data base structures will be developed. To ensure their long-term usage all data will be sufficiently documented. Here internationally agreed standards (e.g. EDMED, GCMD) will be used. The archive will consist of two components: 1) Data from measurements and the documentation of all data, stored in a relational data base management system; 2) Data fields from model results, stored in file systems using internationally agreed formats. Data safety is guaranteed by the computer centres of partners 1, 2 and 5. At the end of the project all PIONEER data will be saved in a way to be accessible for further management and scientific use. They will be transferred to the data bases of national and international coastal monitoring programs (e.g. Bund Länder MessProgramm BLMP of the German coasts, HELCOM, International Odra Project IOP) and be accessible for other scientific projects if requested. In addition, complete copies will be available on CD-ROM. By these measures the MAST Code on Data Management will be obeyed.
Measured data and final model results would be archived in hydro-meteorological database HIMOS existed at Maritime Research Institute, Szczecin Branch
Deliverables: Parameter fields in space and time deduced from the field data and the model runs in the selected scenarios.
Links: Required for Task 300 and 400
Resources: Total (man months): 10
Activity 220: Setup of data exchange via WWW
Taskleader: GKSS
Partners involved: UPC, IM VKI, IGUC
Duration: 18 months
Objective: To promote easy and fast data exchange between the partners as a prototype for operational applications.
To make parameter fields from the biogeophysical processes in space and time available between project partners and selected external parties.
Methodology : Via WWW-browser the access to archived data will be organised. File transfer will be performed by standard procedures (ftp) of the Internet. Interfaces between data archives and exchange formats will be provided.
Deliverables: Data bases on WWW servers
Links: Necessary for all activities of all subtasks in 400 and 500.
Resources: Total (man months): 4
Task 300 : Preparation of models and data sets for the operational simulations
In task 300 data sets from historical data, which are available in all three areas, will be used to set up and improve the numerical models and assimilation tools.
The data gathered within the project for the different locations will be used to perform the simulation exercises.
In task 300 also the simulated data sets will be prepared for using them in the task 400 and 500.
The task is subdivided into two activities.
The tasks describe the work for the respective numbers in the detailed description of tasks in chapter 2.2 of the PIONEER proposal. The work for the proposal numbers 310 to 321 is described in activity 310 of this Technical Annex. The work for the proposal numbers 322 to 325 is described in activity 320 of this Technical Annex.
Milestone: M300 Selection of representative scenarios
Links: Required for task 400 and 500
Activity 310: Exploiting historical data for model calibration for the three areas.
Taskleader: UPC
Partners involved: GKSS, IM, VKI, IGUC
Duration: 24 months
Objective: To calibrate the model set-ups for the three areas. To provide them with correct behaviour of boundary data.
Methodology : To calibrate the model parameters for the source functions and specific transport processes like turbulent diffusion in the three areas . Determine the settling velocities of suspended particulate matter.
In all three areas combined data sets of hydrographical, meteorological, suspended sediment and nutrient parameters are available.
For the Odra river monitoring is carried out since 1984. At present it consists of 17 stations of continuous water level recording and 7 automatic stations where wind direction and velocity, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, salinity are recorded additionally to the water level. These stations are localised at different points of the whole Odra estuary (both for lower Odra and Odra Lagoon). Partner 5 has also data concerning water quality of Odra river.
For the Odra lagoon several national and international programs have been performed in the past. The data on hydrodynamics and transport processes and for water quality are available at partner 1.
For the Ebro Delta plume and in the frame of two different projects -one European and the other national- several field campaigns were carried out in the Ebro estuary during 1996 and 1997. The experiments included measurements in three subdomains: a river-subdomain up to the salt-wedge (from 45 to 15 km from the sea), an estuarine subdomain up to the river mouth and a near-shore subdomain up to 15m water depth approximately. The experiments included offshore hydrodynamics, near-shore and river-plume dynamics, regional meteorology and topobathymetry by means of:
The water quality parameters measured in the river and estuarine subdomains were temperature, pH, redox, conductibility, transmittance, fluorescence, suspended matter, salinity, nutrients (as N, P, C and Si) plus laboratory analysis of several bio-geo-chemical variables as algae, phyto and zooplankton, etc.
Deliverables: Properly geared set-up of the regional coupled models..
Links: Necessary for all activities of all subtasks in 400 and 500.
Resources: Total (man months): 69
Activity 320: Preparation of initial values and boundary conditions for the operational simulation of the three areas.
Taskleader: IM
Partners involved: GKSS, UPC, VKI, IGUC
Duration: 24 months
Objective: To make parameter fields for initialisation and for boundary values of model runs available between project partners and external parties. Provide data from large scale models. Provide data from field campaigns, which are set up to provide the data for the selected scenarios from task 300 to provide all data beforehand to feed the data assimilation procedures and to run the forward integration by numerical models; to achieve a data set of optimal quality as the starting position of the operational simulations; hence, quality assurance, especially for the nutrient and the biological parameters is an essential part of these activities.
Methodology : Collect boundary and initial data fields in field campaigns and transfer them to the data base into agreed formats. To derive and optimise the algorithms relating water discharge to both the concentration of particulate matter and to a possible temporal variation in composition of the sediment load (see activity 325). Historical data will be used but in addition actual time series of in situ particle and aggregate sizes will be collected during the sampling of the actual data. This step is necessary because nutrients such as phosphate predominantly are adhered to the finest fractions of the suspended sediment load. Sampling frequencies will be chosen after model set-up and tuning and will be an optimum between model requirements and the resources available. Present knowledge suggests that the sometimes highly fluctuating nutrient and relevant biological parameters should ideally be measured several times per day to achieve realistic daily averages as starting values for the forward integration (see also activity 420). Standard methods and resources of the partners and water authorities given, this frequency can only be achieved with automatic analysers, a technique which will be applied by partner 1 in the Odra lagoon in an exploratory manner. After quality assurance the data will be documented and archived in the data bases.
Deliverables: Parameter fields from field campaigns for initialisation and for boundary conditions.
Links: Necessary for all activities of all subtasks in 400 and 500.
Resources: Total (man months): 98
Task 400: Operational simulations
The developed analysis and data management tools will be integrated and applied to simulate the selected scenarios defined under task 300.
to integrate and apply the developed analysis and data management tools; to generate maps of nutrients and related parameters, both for "actual" and "forecasted" situations on a regular basis.
Data basis are the six weeks "actual" and "forecasted" data sets (see task 320). They represent the optimal data situation. For each measuring date (typically 1 per day) the actual situation (continuous in space) will be generated applying three data assimilation techniques of increasing skill and complexity in parallel.
The task is subdivided into three activities. The tasks describe the work for the respective numbers in the detailed description of tasks in chapter 2.2 of the PIONEER proposal. The work for the proposal numbers 410 to 412 is described in activity 410 of this Technical Annex. The work for the proposal numbers 413 to 420.3 is described in activity 420 of this Technical Annex and the work for proposal number 430 is described in activity 430 of this Technical Annex.
Milestone: M400 ‘Nowcast’ and ‘forecast’ of the representative scenarios defined under task 300
Links: Required for all subtasks of task 500 and 600
Activity 410: Application of the different data assimilation techniques with increasing complexity to generate improved initial parameter fields for all three areas.
Taskleader: ARMINES
Partners involved: NERSC, GKSS,UPC, IM
Duration: 12 months
Objective: To use ‘simple’, geodynamical and geostatistical data assimilation techniques of increasing complexity, as developed under activity 120-122, for the analysis and consistency of environmental parameter fields in the three demonstration areas for the selected scenarios.
Methodology : Set up and run numerical modulation for the selected scenarios: ‘Nowcast’.
Deliverables: Best guess of the environmental status and space-time development for the selected scenarios.
Links: Input from: task 100
Necessary for all activities in task 500 and 600.
Resources: Total (man months): 33
Activity 420: Application of data assimilation techniques in the forecasting phase with increasing complexity for all three areas.
Taskleader: NERSC
Partners involved: ARMINES, GKSS, UPC, IM
Duration: 12 months
Objective: To use geodynamical and geostatistical data assimilation techniques of increasing complexity, developed under activity 120-122, for simulating the predictability of the development of environmental parameter fields in the three demonstration areas.
Methodology: Set up and run numerical models with assimilation techniques for the selected scenarios: ‘forecast’.
Deliverables: simulated forecasted parameter fields for the selected scenarios
Links: Necessary for tasks 500 and 600.
Resources: Total (man months): 23
Activity 430: Documentation of results
Taskleader: ARMINES
Partners involved: NERSC
Duration: 9 months
Objective: To document the analysis and the forecast and to assess the credibility and significance of the parameter fields derived by different assimilation techniques, developed under activity 120-122.
Methodology : Apply multivariate statistical methods to quantify the accuracy of the data sets.
Deliverables: Correlation confidence limits skill factors for the analysed parameter fields in the different regions.
Links: Necessary for task 500.
Resources: Total (man months): 23
Task 500: Assessment and validation of methods and results
In this task the results obtained by the different data assimilation methods will be validated. A quantification of the added value due to simpler or more complex methods will be given.. The tasks describe the work for task 500 in the detailed description of tasks in chapter 2.2 of the PIONEER proposal. The work is subdivided in three activities 510, 520, and 530, to take into account the different complexity of data assimilation schemes.
Milestone: M500 Assessment of received model results for the operational ‘Nowcast’ and ‘forecast’
Links: Required for task 600
Activity 510: Quality assessment for data assimilation methods from activity 120 (simple methods)
Taskleader: GKSS
Partners involved: ARMINES, NERSC, UPC, IM, IGUC, VKI
Duration: 6 months
Objective: To assess the overall quality of the data analysis and the ‘simple assimilation method’.
Methodology : Compare the methods to establish the field data and simulated data sets and generate quantified statistical quality parameters for the performance.
Deliverables: Correlation, confidence limits, skill factors for the analysed and forecasted parameter fields in the different regions.
Resources: Total (man months): 2
Activity 520: Quality assessment for methods from activity 121 (geostatistical methods)
Taskleader: ARMINES
Partners involved: GKSS, NERSC, UPC, IM, IGUC, VKI
Duration: 6 months
Objective: To assess the overall quality of the data analysis and to validate the added value gained by using the geostatistical data assimilation methods.
Methodology : Compare the methods to establish the field data and simulated data sets and generate quantified statistical quality parameters for the performance.
Deliverables: Correlation, confidence limits, skill factors for the analysed and forecasted parameter fields in the different regions.
Resources: Total (man months): 3
Activity 530: Quality assessment for data assimilation methods from task 122 (geodynamical methods)
Taskleader: NERSC
Partners involved: ARMINES, UPC, IM, IGUC, VKI
Duration: 6 months
Objective: To assess the overall quality of the data analysis.
Methodology: Compare the methods to establish the field data and simulated data sets and generate quantified statistical quality parameters for the performance.
Deliverables: Correlation, confidence limits, skill factors for the analysed and forecasted parameter fields in the different regions.
Resources: Total (man months): 3
Task 600: Dissemination and Exploitation
In PIONEER special emphasis will be put in the dissemination and exploitation of the results. In general an efficient dissemination of results is envisaged by involving potential users to the project. These are:
Finally, the covering of the project by the press (TV, newspapers, etc.) will be promoted.
Three symposia combined with the half annual project meetings at the three different demonstration sites will be held in order to involve the potential end users in the developing phase of the pre-operational forecasting tool. In addition the scientific outcome of the project will be documented by presenting the results on international conferences and publishing in scientific journals. The task is subdivided in the two activities dissemination and exploitation. The tasks describe the work for the task 600 in the detailed description of tasks in chapter 2.2 of the PIONEER proposal
Milestones: M600A Symposium organised in the region of the Odra lagoon
M600B Symposium organised in the region of the Ebro river
M600C Symposium organised in the region of the Odra river
Task 600 is subdivided into two subtasks. In Activity 610 specific dissemination plans are described to involve interested third parties in the results of the project. Activity 620 describes the exploitation plans that are foreseen within PIONEER.
Activity 610: Dissemination: Involvement of potential end users
Taskleader: GKSS
Partners involved: UPC, IM, ARMINES, NERSC, UPC, IGUC, VKI
Duration: 36 months
Objective: The responsible local authorities, tourism organisations and commercial providers of marine technology will be informed on the project and especially in the demonstration performance. This is to promote the set up of an instrument for integrated coastal zone management.
Methodology: For each of the demonstration areas a symposium with regional governmental authorities will be organised. They will be combined with the half annual project meetings.
In addition the basic technical and the scientific results will be published in a series of papers in international peer-reviewed journals to promote a further global interest. The PIONEER project will be presented via their own WWW homepage.
During the pre-operational phase (Task 400) the capability of the system will be demonstrated to local authorities.
Finally, the covering of the project by the press (TV, newspapers, etc.) will be promoted.
Deliverable: PIONEER homepage, Conference contributions, press conferences, publications three symposia.
Resources: Total (man months): 30
Activity 620: Exploitation
Taskleader: GKSS
Partners involved: UPC, IM, ARMINES, NERSC, UPC, IGUC, VKI
Duration: 36 months
Objective: During the whole project and especially during the demonstration phase special emphasis is put on the development of a pre-operational system.
Methodology: The outcome of PIONEER is the creation of a pre-operational forecast system for water quality parameters, consisting of a combined model package. Once the methods developed and used in PIONEER have proven their skills there is a role for commercial companies, in order to validate the results towards a commercial product.
GKSS is in contact with a system manufacturer who will be continuously involved in the progress of the project. By the end of the project the outcome will be validated towards its market potential.
Although the model system will be built as a generic product there is need at the Ebro and at the Odra to implement such a tool for forecasts used by the fishing and shipping industry, especially in extreme water discharge cases as has been observed in July 1997. It is therefore recommended to the Polish and the German regional governmental bodies to use the developed tools for the two demonstration areas in operational forecasts.
Deliverables: Implementation plans for the Odra and Ebro estuaries, a general strategy for other estuarine and coastal areas.
Resources: Total (man months): 5
Table 2 : Allocation of resources per task and partner in man months
Task/ Milestone |
IM |
TU |
Total |
Co-ordination |
19 |
19 | ||||||||||
Activity 110 |
4 |
4 | ||||||||||
Activity 111 |
4 |
6 |
15 |
18 |
43 | |||||||
Activity 112 |
5 |
5 |
8 |
8 |
4 |
30 | ||||||
Activity 113 |
4 |
5 |
4 |
13 | ||||||||
Activity 114 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
22 |
34 | |||||||
Activity 120 |
3 |
3 | ||||||||||
Activity 121 |
5 |
5 | ||||||||||
Activity 122 |
13 |
13 | ||||||||||
Task 100 |
20 |
6 |
0 |
15 |
23 |
26 |
13 |
8 |
0 |
12 |
22 |
145 |
Activity 210 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
10 | ||||||
Activity 220 |
3 |
3 | ||||||||||
Task 200 |
5 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
13 |
Activity 310 |
5 |
11 |
6 |
14 |
14 |
19 |
69 | |||||
Activity 320 |
10 |
8 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
10 |
94 | |||||
Task 300 |
15 |
19 |
28 |
0 |
36 |
36 |
0 |
10 |
19 |
0 |
0 |
163 |
Activity 410 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
4 |
6 |
22 | ||||||
Activity 420 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
13 |
31 | ||||||
Activity 430 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
6 |
22 | |||||||
Task 400 |
12 |
13 |
0 |
0 |
17 |
14 |
13 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
75 |
Activity 510 |
2 |
1 |
3 | |||||||||
Activity 520 |
2 |
2 |
4 | |||||||||
Activity 530 |
1 |
1 |
4 | |||||||||
Task 500 |
7 |
4 |
11 | |||||||||
Activity 610 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
29 |
Activity 620 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
5 | ||||||||
Task 600 |
8 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
33 |
Total |
79 |
45 |
30 |
16 |
80 |
80 |
36 |
30 |
25 |
14 |
24 |
459 |
5.1 Organisation
Steering committee
The project partners build a steering committee consisting of the Co-ordinator and the task leaders. This body is in close connection to the advisory board that will consult the scientific work.
The co-ordinator
Not withstandingany other provisions of this contract, the co-ordinator is responsible for the management of the project administratively. In addition the Co-ordinator is responsible for the quality control within the project. He is the interface to the European Commission and chairs the Scientific steering committee. Every task leader is in charge of its own task and must assure that the deliverables are transferred in time.
The diagram illustrates the management structure regarding main co-ordination, task responsibilities, and key activities.
Advisory board
The advisory board consists of external experts from science and management This group will join the relevant meetings if necessary, and advice the PIONEER consortium in order to develop a pre-operational system that can be used for coastal zone management purposes by the governmental authorities.
5.2 Data Management
As no large field experiment is planned within PIONEER the data management is mainly focused on the documentation, quality control, and banking of data. During a short period additional water quality parameters for the Ebro area and the Odra Lagoon will be sampled. Quality assurance for all gathered data is an integral part of the generation of the sampled data set.
The data storage will be done according to the EU guide lines. The detailed data management is described in task 200, where the responsibilities are clarified.
All acquired bancable data will be stored in three data bases. The Odra Lagoon data base will be set up at GKSS, the Ebro data will be stored at UPC and the data from the Odra River will be held in a data base located at IM. By the end of the project the three data bases will be linked to make the information easily available. In addition all data acquired during the project will be made publicly available not later than 6 month after the end of the project or two years after their acquisition.
Model data will be archived at GKSS, UPC and IM and will publicly be available not later than 6 month after the end of the project or two years after their generation.
5.3 Meetings and workshops
The project will start with a kick-off meeting to discuss the scheduling of the tasks and the interactions of the partners. Further workshops will be held at six monthly intervals to discuss progress and to co-ordinate the details for the coming tasks. At all meetings the advisory board of the external experts may be invited to participate. From the operational simulation phase on, interested representatives of regional governmental authorities will be invited to the project meetings.
In task 600 symposia for the three involved areas are planned with local governmental authorities and decision makers (see: chapter 4 ‘Detailed description of tasks’ of this Technical Annex).
One workshop per year will be made in co-ordination with the CEC and with other MAST III projects related to operational ocean forecasting.
5.4 Milestones
Major milestones are defined as follows (completion month in parenthesis):
M100 (30): Source code of Interface to couple the different models incl. assimilation methods
completed subtasks: 111, 112, 113, 114, 120, 121, 122
M200A (6): Data base with historical data from the Odra lagoon (GKSS)
M200B (18): Data base with historical data from the Ebro river (UPC)
M200C (30): Data base with historical data from the Odra river (IM)
completed subtasks: 210, 220
M300 (24): Selection of representative scenarios.
completed subtasks: 310, 320
M400 (30): ‘Nowcast’ and ‘forecast’ of the representative scenarios defined in task 300.
completed subtasks: 410, 420
M500 (35): Assessment of received model results for the operational ‘Nowcast’ and ‘Forecast’
completed subtasks: 510,520,530, 430
M600A (6): Symposium organised in the region of the Odra lagoon
M600B (18): Symposium organised in the region of the Ebro river
M600C (30): Symposium organised in the region of the Odra river
Activity (completion month) |
Deliverables Scientific and technical reports |
110 (18) |
Set-up of the numerical coupling of the dynamical models for hydrodynamic processes (currents and waves) in the three areas. |
111 (21) |
Set-up of the hydrodynamic/transport models for the three areas. |
112 (24) |
Set-up of the suspended sediment transport module for the three areas. |
113 (18) |
Set-up of nutrient dynamics model for the three areas |
114 (30) |
Coupling of the nutrient model with the hydrodynamical/transport models. |
120 (12) |
Set-up of ‘simple’ data assimilation tools |
121 (18) |
Set-up of geostatistical multivariate data assimilation methods |
122 (18) |
Set-up of geodynamical data assimilation methods |
210 (30) |
Set-up of data bases for the three areas |
220 (18) |
Set-up of data exchange via WWW |
310 (24) |
Exploiting historical data for model calibration for the three areas. |
320 (24) |
Preparation of initial values and boundary conditions for the operational simulation of the three areas. |
410 (30) |
Application of the different data assimilation techniques with increasing complexity to generate improved initial parameter fields for all three areas. |
420 (30) |
Application of data assimilation techniques in the forecasting phase with increasing complexity for all three areas. |
430 (33) |
Documentation of results |
510 (35) |
Quality assessment for data assimilation methods from activity 120 (simple methods) |
520 (35) |
Quality assessment for methods from activity 121 (geostatistical methods) |
530 (35) |
Quality assessment for data assimilation methods from task 122 (geodynamical methods) |
610 (36) |
Dissemination: Involvement of potential end users |
620 (36) |
Exploitation |
5.5 Reports
The reports to be submitted to the Commission will be:
- short management reports ( i.e. 1-2 pages) six monthly,
- annual scientific and technical progress reports. The co-ordinator has the responsibility for submitting a consolidated report on the project, and he may append individual contributions by each partner. Scientific reports will follow the same layout of tasks/ subtasks as the technical annex of the contract.
- a full scale final report, including in particular a publishable synthetic article for peer-reviewed literature, a final consolidated management report, a final scientific & technical report, a report on the exploitation and the dissemination of results, EDMED and Roscop forms, and an extended abstract for electronic dissemination.
Annex I: Indicative Breakdown of proposed Costs - Summary (Unit =KECU) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
N° |
A B C |
Legal name - Laboratory - Acronym |
Role |
Associated to |
Cost basis |
Total personnel-month |
Personnel |
Travel |
Consumables |
Durable- equipment |
Computing |
Other |
Overheads |
Shiptime |
Sub-contracts |
Total cost |
Requested EC Contribution | ||||||||||||||||
1 |
A |
GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH |
CO |
- |
F |
79 |
525 |
67 |
5 |
- |
- |
- |
87 |
- |
190 |
874 |
437 | ||||||||||||||||
B |
Institut für Gewässerphysik |
C |
2 |
A |
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya |
PA |
- |
F |
45 |
141 |
28 |
2 |
32 |
- |
40 |
145 |
- |
12 |
400 |
200 | ||||||||||||||||
B |
C |
3 |
A |
Koebenhavens Universitet |
PA |
- |
M |
30 |
175 |
23 |
38 |
6 |
48 |
290 |
290 | ||||||||||||||||||||
B |
- |
C |
4 |
A |
Water Quality Inst. |
PA |
F |
16 |
101 |
5 |
135 |
241 |
112,5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
B |
Ecol Modelling Center |
C |
5 |
A |
M |
80 |
21.42 |
12 |
15 |
15 |
11 |
2,06 |
76,5 |
76,5 | |||||||||||||||||||||
B |
Maritime Engineering |
AP |
1 |
C |
IM, PL |
6 |
A |
Technical University of Szczecin |
AP |
1 |
M |
80 |
21.42 |
12 |
15 |
15 |
11 |
2,06 |
76,5 |
76,5 | |||||||||||||||||||
B |
Water Environment Dep. |
C |
TU, PL |
7 |
A |
Nansen Center |
PA |
F |
36 |
178 |
15 |
9 |
20 |
182 |
404 |
202 | |||||||||||||||||||||
B |
Assimilation Group |
C |
8 |
A |
Assoc. for res. and Dev. |
PA |
F |
30 |
198 |
15 |
3 |
20 |
251 |
488 |
244 | |||||||||||||||||||||
B |
Centre Geostatistique |
C |
Armines, F |
9 |
A |
Universidad Poli. de Valencia |
AP |
2 |
M |
25 |
67 |
10 |
14 |
24 |
10 |
25 |
150 |
150 | |||||||||||||||||||
B |
Departemento de Ingenieria |
C |
10 |
A |
Danish Hydraulic Inst. |
AP |
4 |
F |
6 |
65 |
5 |
5 |
75 |
37,5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
B |
Ecol Modelling Center |
C |
11 |
A |
Netherland Inst. for Sea Research |
AP |
4 |
F |
6 |
25 |
5 |
2 |
19 |
51 |
25 | |||||||||||||||||||||
B |
Modelling Center |
C |
433 |
1518 |
197 |
106 |
94 |
40 |
72 |
896 |
0 |
202 |
3.126 |
1.851 |
Subcontractor name |
Address |
Responsible partner |
Amount of sub-contract in ECU |
Energiewerke Nord |
Greifswald/Lubmin |
95.000 |
Ocean Sens Wave |
Max-Planck-Str., 21502 Geesthacht |
95.000 |
N.N |
N.N |
12.000 |
Explanation and Justification for the PIONEER cost summary
For the numerical models and especially for the data assimilation high performance computers are needed. The costs mentioned in the cost summary are to cover the CPU expenses on supercomputers.
In total there will be 7 project meetings around Europe. In general all institutes will participate with 2 people that are involved in the project.
In addition to the 21 KECU (2 experts and the coordinator of the project) needed for the regular project meetings, the two subcontractors of GKSS will need 7 kECU each for the meetings. For coordination and organisation of the three symposia planned within the project another 29 kECU are required. For the assistance in the organisation of common measurements and visits of measurement sites 3 kECU will be used.
Coordinator, 7 project meetings 7
2 GKSS experts, 7 project meetings 14
2 subcontractors, 7 project meetings 14
organisation of 3 symposia 29
Visits at measuring sites 3
Total 67
UPC is strongly involved in the acquistion of data. It will cover the costs for the collection of existing data around the Ebro area and the travel costs that occur during some needed field campaigns. Especially the travel for coordination of measurements (permissions) with local authorities is necessary (14 kECU).
2 UPC experts, 7 project meetings 14
3 experts on 2 field campaigns of two weeks each 14
Total 28
The extra travel money is needed to cover the expenses during the field campaigns in the Odra and Ebro area. Especially the travel for coordination of measurements (permissions) with local authorities is necessary. The installation of several sophisticated nutrient sensors causes longer stays for eventual maintenance (9 kECU).
2 UKBH experts, 7 project meetings 14
3 field campaigns, maintenance 9
Total 23
The travel money will cover the costs for local data acquisition and for extra meetings within the modelling and assimilation group of PIONEER.
2 IM experts, 7 project meetings 12
Total 12
The travel money will cover the costs for local data acquisition and for extra meetings within the modelling and assimilation group of PIONEER.
2 IM experts, 7 project meetings 12
Total 12
The additional travel money is to cover the expenses for the co-ordination of the assimilation with the partners.
2 ARMINES experts, 7 project meetings 14
Internal workshop at GKSS 1
Total 15
year 1 Year 2 year 3 total Filters 1.5 1 0.5 3
Petri disks 0 0.5 0.5 1
Maintanance ISCO 1.5 1 0 2.5 Maintanence filte-
ring equipment 1 0.5 0.5 2 Maintanence
LISST-100 1 1 1 3
Running of
RCM 9 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5
CAlibration spheres 1 1 1 3
Batteries 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5
Installation of
ISCO samplers 4 4 0 8
Mobile connection 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5
EDB 0 1.6 3.4 5
Transport case
LISST-100 0.5 0 0 0.5
Shipping 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5
Water bottles 0.5 0.5 0 1
Others 1 1 1 3
Total 14 14.1 9.9 38
Equipment and Chemicals for water quality analysis (6 kECU), costs for maintenance of in situ equipment, heating systems and air conditioning for winter measurements in the Szczecin lagoon at two stations (9 kECU).
Water quality analysis in the lagoon 6
Winter measurements in the lagoon 9
Total 15
Equipment and Chemicals for water quality analysis (6 kECU), costs for maintenance of in situ equipment, heating systems and air conditioning for winter measurements in the Odra river at two stations (9 kECU).
Water quality analysis in the Odra river 6
Winter measurements in the Odra river 9
Total 15
.-Diskettes, photofilms, paper, etc. for data storage. 1.6
.-Consumables for sampling campaign
and chemical and biological analysis 12.4
(bottles; alcaline batteries; plastic bags; gasoline for water pump sampling; test tubes; polycarbonate, acetate and glass filters; tubes for the autoanalyzer; rechanges for the destiled water systems, rechargeables and chemicals for multparametric datasonde,:portable icebox, ice for it; sulfuric acid, ammonium, potassium antimonyl tartrate, ascorbic acid, ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate; oxalic acid, acetone, phenol, 4-methyl-amyno-phenol sulphate, sodium sulphite, sodium hexafluoride, sodium nitroprusiate, trisodic citrate, sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite, ammonium sulphate, sulphanylamide, chlorhydrique acid, cupper sulphate, ammonium chloride, N-1-naphtil-etilen-diamyne dihydrochloride, potassium nitrate, ammonia, sodium nitrite, cadmium, ether, calcium carbonate.)
Total 14
Durable Equipment
2 Personal Computers including communication software (7 kECU each). Communication set up for an online measurement station (18 kECU)
2 personal computers 14
Communication set for online data 18
Total 32
2 Personal Computers including communication software for online data communication (7 kECU each).
2 personal computers for online data 15
Total 15
2 Personal Computers including communication software for on-line data communication (7 kECU each).
2 personal computers for online data 15
Total 15
Because our university work in the european projects with marginal costs, the EU only pays 3/5 of the total costs of the equipment
.-Portable PC (to store the data of the datasonde). 3.5
.-DATASONDE HYDROLAB 4 and HYDOLAB Surveyor 4 24.9 Data Display with sensors to mesure in the field:
.-Dissolved oxygen
a cable of 100 m
.-Digital mycrophotograph camera system LEICA DC 100, for phytoplankton and bacterioplankton counts 8.3
.-Sedimentation Tramp (KC Research Equipment)
With 4 unities, rope and buoy
Total 40.8
as the EU pays only 3/5 of total costs for equipment the true total will be:
Total in the cost table 24
Other Costs
Scuba diver for the field campaign at the Ebro Delta, logistic for the field campaign (rent of ship, rent of car for the transport of material to the field campaign, etc). Rent of specific equipment for the field campaign (GPS, Ecosonda)
Ship charter for 2 field campaigns 18
(2 weeks each)
Transport of equipment 5
Rent of DGPS for field campaign 4
Scuba diver campaign 13
Total 40
Depth profiles at selected cross sections of the Swina river (11 kECU).
Ship charter 2
Transport of equipment 1
Rent of DGPS for field campaign 3
Rent of ADCP 5
Total 11
Depth profiles at selected cross sections of the Odra river ( 11 kECU).
Ship charter 2
Transport of equipment 1
Rent of DGPS for field campaign 3
Rent of ADCP 5
Total 11
The costs include the rental costs for boats and vehicles for the field campaigns (1 period of 10 days a 2 kECU per day).
Ship charter for maintenance 5
Transport of equipment 5
Total 10
GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht
Institut für Gewässerphysik
D-21502 Geesthacht
Prof. Dr. Hans v. Storch Tel: +49-4152-87-1831 Fax: +49-4152-87-
Dr. Wolfgang Rosenthal Tel: +49-4152-87-1516 Fax: +49-4152-87-1565
Dr. Heinz Günther Tel: +49-4152-87-1504 Fax: +49-4152-87-1565
Dr. Thomas Wolff Tel: +49-4152-87-1568 Fax: +49-4152-87-1565
Dr. Joa Pau Sierra Tel: +34 93 4016467 Fax: +34 93 4017357
Dr. Agustín Sánchez-A Tel: +34 93 4016468 Fax: +34 93 4017357
Dr. Xavier Gironella Tel: +34 93 4017824 Fax: +34 93 4017357
Dr. Cesar Mösso Tel: + 34 93 4017392 Fax: +34 93 4017357
Dr. Enrique Movellan Tel: + 34 93 4017392 Fax: +34 93 4017357
Assoc. professor Dr. Morten Pejrup Tel: +45 3532 2500 Fax: +45 3532 2501
Assoc. professor Bent Hasholt Tel: +45 3532 2500 Fax: +45 3532 2501
Mr. Thorbjoern Joost Andersen Tel: +45 3532 2500 Fax: +45 3532 2501
Mr. Ole Aarup Mikkelsen Tel: +45 3532 2500 Fax: +45 3532 2501
Ecological Modelling Center (EMC)
Agern Allé 5
DK- 2970 Hørsholm
Dr. Job Baretta Tel: +45 45 17 91 24 Fax : +45 45 76 25 67
Dr. Hanneke Baretta-Bekker Tel: +45 45 17 91 44 Fax : +45 45 76 25 67
Maritime Research Institute
Szczecin Branch
ul. Monte Cassino 18a
PL-70-467 Szczecin
Prof. Dr. Wladyslaw Buchholz Tel. +48 91 22 38 43 Fax: +48-91 22 38 43
Dr. Ryszard Ewertowski Tel. +48 91 22 38 43 Fax: +48-91 22 38 43
Dr.Jacek Cichocki Tel +48 91 22 35 69 Fax: +48-91 22 38 43
Dr.Dorota Dybkowska-Stefek Tel +48 91 22 35 69 Fax: +48-91 22 38 43
Dr. Malgorzata Pluta Tel +48 91 22 35 69 Fax: +48-91 22 38 43
Technical University
Architecture and Civil Engineering Faculty
Water Environment Engineering Department
Piastow 50
PL-70-310 Szczecin
Dr. Zbigniew Mrozinski Tel +48 91 449 45 01 Fax:+ 48 91 449 45 92
Prof. Dr. Zygmunt Meyer Tel +48 91 449 43 71 Fax:+ 48 91 43 32 851
Prof.Dr.Ryszard Coufal Tel +48 91 449 45 01 Fax:+ 48 91 43 32 851
email: coufal@niagara.tuniv.szczecin.p
Dorota Libront Tel +48 91 449 49 42 Fax:+ 48 91 449 45 92
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Edvard Griegsvei 3a
N-5037 Solheimsviken
Prof. Dr. Geir Evensen Tel: +47-55-29 72 88 Fax: +47-55-20 00 50
Centre de Géostatistique
Ecole des Mines de Paris
35, rue Saint Honoré
F - 77305 Fontainebleau
Dr. Hans Wackernagel Tel: +33 1 64 69 47 60 Fax: +33 1 64 69 47 05
Julio González del Río Rams Tel: + 34-963877616 Fax: +34-9 63 87 76 18
Miguel Rodilla Alamá Tel: + 34-963877616 Fax: +34-9 63 87 76 18
Enrique Quesada Fernández de la Puente
Tel: + 34-963877616 Fax: + 34-9 63 87 76 18
Salvado Cardona Navarrete Tel: + 34-966528460 Fax: + 34-9 66 52 84 09
Juan Carlos Asensi Sempere Tel: + 34-963877806 Fax: + 34-9 63 87 78 09
Arturo González del Río Rams Tel: +34-963877796 Fax: +34-9 63 87 73 59
Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI)
Ecological Modelling Centre (EMC)
Agern Allé 5
DK-2970 Hørsholm
Flemming Jakobsen Tel: +45 45 179 241 Fax: +45 45 179 200
Hans Jacob Vested Tel: +45 45 179 146 Fax: +45 45 179 200
John Johnsen Tel: +45 45 179 255 Fax: +45 45 179 200
Nederlands Institut
voor Onderzoek der Zee
Department: Biological Oceanography
P.O. Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg
Dr. Piet Ruardij Tel: +31 222 - 369475 Fax: +31 222 - 319674 email: